Welcome to The Tank Club’s ESO+ Free Trial Tank Guide!

ESO frequently offers free trials of ESO+, typically lasting a week. As a tank, you can take advantage of these trials to enhance your experience and setup in The Elder Scrolls Online.

During the free trial, you’ll have access to all zones, dungeons, and trials, except for the most recent chapter update. This is a prime opportunity to unlock valuable items, skill lines, and gear that will be incredibly useful for your tanking role.

Here’s what you should focus on during the free trial:

Official Post: ESO Plus Free Trial – The Elder Scrolls Online


Psijic Order Skills (Summerset DLC):

  • Complete the main story quest of Summerset until you get sent to Artaeum, where you can begin the Psijic Order quests.
  • Level up your Psijic Order Skills, focusing on unlocking Undo/Temporal Guard and Accelerate/Race Against Time.

Jewellery Crafting (Summerset DLC):

  • Access to Jewellery Crafting will end with the free trial, so prioritize researching Infused traits for Neck and Rings, as well as other useful traits.
  • Visit our Tank Jewellery Page to decide which traits to research.

Excavation and Scrying Skills (Greymoor DLC):

  • Complete the Greymoor quest to unlock and level up your Excavation and Scrying skills.
  • Use these skills to collect valuable Tank Mythic Items.

Orzorga’s Recipes (Orsinium DLC):

  • Complete Orzorga’s quests in Wrothgar to obtain two essential Tank Food recipes.

General Activities:

  • Collect Skyshards, Lorebooks, and complete treasure maps, main story quests, and public dungeon group events in all DLC zones.


  • Gather as many crafting materials as possible, complete crafting surveys in DLC areas, and perform daily writs on multiple characters.
  • Store all materials in your craft bag for future use.

Pets and Cosmetics:

  • Enter one dungeon from each dungeon DLC to unlock free pets and cosmetics.

Additional Tips:

  • Utilize double storage in your houses to stock up on furniture and materials.
  • Dye your costumes and collect up to 1000 transmute crystals.
  • Complete solo arenas like Vateshran Hollows (important for Void Bash) and Maelstrom Arena.
  • Farm dungeons for any missing Tank Sets and Monster Sets.
  • Participate in normal or veteran trials to acquire essential trial gear such as Pearlescent WardClaw of Yolnahkriin and Saxhleel Champion.

Gear Checklist

Dungeon Gear – Collect these important Tank Sets from Normal Dungeons:

Dungeon Monster Sets – Collect these most useful Monster Sets from Veteran Dungeons some of these are quite hard to complete:

Mythic Items – These are the best ones, try to collect them from Scrying and Digging:

Weapon Sets – There are many but the most useful one is from Vateshran Hollows: