Welcome to The Tank Club’s ESO Tank Builds! Discover a variety of tank builds for every class in The Elder Scrolls Online. Whether you’re a beginner, seeking an effective dungeon/trial build, or simply looking for a fun setup, we have you covered. Our builds cater to all content, classes, and experience levels, ensuring you’re prepared for any situation in the game.
With 10 years of experience tanking in The Elder Scrolls Online, from beginner dungeons to endgame trifectas – we’ve created the ultimate list of ESO Tank Builds. These builds have been tested across all content and classes, ensuring there’s an option for every tank. Whether you’re new to ESO, playing an uncommon class, or need a static console setup or advanced PC build, these ESO Tank Builds have been used to complete everything the game has to offer.
ESO Dungeon Tank Build
Multiple build options for optimised ESO Dungeon content.
ESO Trial Main Tank Build
A generic Main Tank Build for Trial content for all classes.
ESO Trial Off Tank Build
A generic Off Tank Build for Trial content for all classes.
ESO Arena Tank Build
Builds perfect for Dragonstar Arena and Blackrose Prison.
ESO Infinity Archive Tank Build
A useful build for progressing as a duo in Infinity Archive.
ESO Beginner Tank Builds
Builds for ESO newbies, new Tanks and players needing an easy setup for progressing new content.
ESO Arcanist Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Arcanist Class.
ESO Dragonknight Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Dragonknight Class.
ESO Necromancer Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Necromancer Class.
ESO Nightblade Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Nightblade Class.
ESO Sorcerer Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Sorcerer Class.
ESO Templar Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Templar Class.
ESO Warden Tank Build
Tank Builds and information for the Templar Class.
ESO Werewolf Tank Build
A fun niche Tank Build for players using Werewolf.
ESO Companion Tank Build
Useful build that can be equipped to make your companions a solid ESO Tank.
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