ESO Tank Class Tier List

Welcome to the comprehensive Elder Scrolls Online tank class tier list. We understand that different tanking roles, such as dungeons, trials main tank, and trials off tank, have distinct requirements. Therefore, we have categorized our tier list accordingly to provide accurate rankings for each role.

In evaluating tank classes, we consider not only their contributions to a group but also their effectiveness in fulfilling the tanking role, their sustainability, and their survivability. Our tier list aims to offer insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each class in these aspects.

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S-Tier: Arcanist The absolute best class for dungeon Tanking is the Arcanist. The Arcanist has access to numerous group benefits, unparalleled by any other class. Its excellent survival and sustain make it a top choice, with the only slight drawback being its Ultimate regeneration. Choosing an Arcanist Tank will significantly boost your group’s DPS and survival, making it the ideal choice for 4-player content.

A-Tier: Dragonknight Dragonknights come in second due to their strong self-sustain and survival, which make them very beginner-friendly. They offer some group benefits, though many are minimally impactful in 4-player content. The DK has niche skills that cover various dungeon scenarios, making it a solid second option if an Arcanist isn’t available.

B-Tier: Sorcerer Sorcerer Tanks are a great third-place option. They are easy to play, offer great survival, sustain, and self-healing. The Scribing system enhances their utility, allowing them to handle dungeon content effectively. Their group benefits, including Major Berserk and Minor Prophecy, can be very advantageous.

C-Tier: Necromancer, Warden, Nightblade, Templar From this point, any class can be used as each has its strengths and weaknesses:

  • Necromancer: Good for DoT mitigation but lacks significant group benefits.
  • Warden: Offers group survival benefits like increased Max Health and Major Resolve but is limited beyond that.
  • Nightblade: Strong in AoE debuffing and fast Ultimate generation, making them decent Tanks with good enemy debuffing capabilities.
  • Templar: Has limited unique offerings that aren’t already available from other classes, making them the least favorable option for dungeon Tanking.

While these classes can still be effective, they don’t offer the same level of overall utility and benefits as the top-tier options.