Choosing the right gear is essential for tanking in The Elder Scrolls Online. As a tank, your setup impacts not only your survivability but also your group’s overall performance. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about ESO tank gear, including the best weapon choices, armor weights, traits, and enchants to maximize your effectiveness. We’ll also explore the top gear sets, monster sets, weapon sets, and mythic items, detailing how they fit into different tanking scenarios. Whether you’re a beginner looking for foundational gear advice or an experienced tank optimizing for veteran trials, this guide will help you make informed choices to enhance your build.
Check out ESO Tank Gear Guide 2025 for a quick and easy essential list of gear to farm for Tanking.

ESO Tank Weapons
Tanks in The Elder Scrolls Online rely on two primary weapon types: One Hand and Shield and the Ice Staff (Destruction Staff – Frost). These weapons provide defensive capabilities while also offering crucial buffs and debuffs that enhance group performance.
The One Hand and Shield is the foundation of Tanking in ESO. It provides superior damage mitigation, essential passive bonuses, and access to a taunt ability that applies key debuffs.
Why Use One Hand and Shield?
✔ Superior Blocking – Reduces incoming damage significantly when combined with a shield.
✔ Essential Taunt Ability (Pierce Armor) – Applies Major Breach and Minor Breach, reducing enemy resistances.
✔ Situational Skills – Includes defensive skills like Shield Discipline, Defensive Posture, and Heroic Slash.
Weapon Choice – Does It Matter?
No – whether you use a Sword, Axe, Mace, or Dagger, the stats and performance are nearly identical when paired with a shield.
Why You Shouldn’t Use 1H & Shield on Both Bars
Using One Hand and Shield on both bars is highly restrictive. Since you only need one or two key abilities, using a Frost Staff on your back bar is a much better choice. This setup expands your utility, allowing you to contribute additional debuffs, buffs, and resource management.
A Frost Staff (Destruction Staff) is a game-changing weapon for Tanks, often providing more utility than One Hand and Shield. The key reason to use a Frost Staff is the ability to apply Crusher enchantments more effectively and provide additional crowd control and debuffs.
Why Use a Frost Staff?
✔ Stronger Crusher Enchant – Infused Frost Staff + Crusher Enchant applies a powerful enemy debuff that automatically refreshes through Elemental Blockade.
✔ Access to Minor Brittle – Increases enemy critical damage taken by 10%, boosting your group’s DPS.
✔ Improved Blocking – Provides increased block mitigation and reduced block cost when using a Frost Staff with a taunt.
✔ Versatile Utility Skills – Offers crowd control, enemy debuffs, and group buffs through skills like Frost Clench, Frost Pulsar, and Elemental Drain.
How Crusher Enchant Works with a Frost Staff
- The Infused Crusher enchantment applies double the effect when used on a staff compared to a one-handed weapon.
- Elemental Blockade automatically triggers the Crusher effect every few seconds on the nearest enemy.
- Keep Blockade active to ensure the enchantment keeps refreshing without needing to swap bars.
Essential Frost Staff Abilities for Tanks
- Frost Clench – Taunts the target, applies Major & Minor Maim, and Minor Brittle, making it a fantastic boss-fight tool.
- Frost Pulsar – Applies AoE Minor Maim, Minor Mangle, Minor Brittle, and Minor Protection, weakening enemies in large pulls.
- Elemental Blockade – Maintains Crusher enchant uptime, reducing enemy resistances and snares them, also provides a group projectile shield.
- Elemental Susceptibility – Reduces enemy resistances while causing damage and debuffing enemies.
- Crushing Shock – A ranged interrupt, useful in situations where boss mechanics must be disrupted.
Should You Use Tri-Focus?
The Tri-Focus passive causes block to drain Magicka instead of Stamina when using a Frost Staff. This can be useful in specific builds, but it’s not recommended for newer Tanks as it changes your resource management strategy.
Other weapons are not “Tank” weapons. While they can have niche use for niche builds they are generally not worth considering for a typical Tank setup.
ESO Tank Weapons Traits
✅ Front Bar: Decisive
✅ Back Bar: Infused Frost Staff
Trait | Value | Comments |
Decisive | 27.5% chance to gain +1 Ultimate per gain | Best for Ultimate Generation – Helps generate Aggressive Horn faster, increasing group DPS. |
Charged | Increased Status Effect Chance | Increases the chance to apply Chilled (for Minor Brittle), Concussion (for Minor Vulnerability), or Poisoned (for DK passive sustain). Not as essential now with the Scribing system. |
Infused | +30% Enchant Strength & -50% Cooldown (Gold Staff) | Mandatory with an Ice Staff– Doubles the effectiveness of Crusher Enchant, maximizing enemy debuffs. Situationally useful with Absorb Stamina, Hardening, or Weakening glyphs on the One Handed Weapon. |
Defending | +1638 Physical & Spell Resistance | Best for Survivability – Boosts resistances when you need extra tankiness, don’t go over the 33,100 resistance cap. |
Powered | Increases healing done by 4.5% | Provides a small healing boost. Not essential but can be considered for solo Tanking situations. |
Unused Traits |
ESO Tank Weapons Enchants
✅ Front Bar: Optional
✅ Back Bar: Crusher Enchant
Trait | Value | Comments |
Crusher | Reduces the target’s Physical and Spell Resistance by 1622 for 5 seconds. | Itade – Deteri – Kuta Mandatory for all Tanks – Maximizes group DPS by debuffing bosses and priority targets. Maintained automatically via Elemental Blockade |
Absorb X | Deals 2109 Magic/Physical Damage and restores 354 Magicka/Stamina. | Itade – Makko(Magicka) Deni (Stamina) Oko (Health) – Kuta Provides consistent additional stamina sustain. |
Prismatic | Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 438 Health and 177 Magicka and Stamina. | Repora – Hakeijo – Kuta Decent for Tri-Sustain – Restores all three resources but in smaller amounts. |
Weakening | Reduce target Weapon Damage and Spell Damage by 348 for 5 seconds. | Itade – Okori – Kuta Situational – Use against hard-hitting bosses if a healer isn’t already using it. |
Hardening | Grants a 3290 point Damage Shield for 5 seconds. | Repora – Deteri – Kuta |
ESO Tank Weapon Sets
Most Used Sets
Puncturing Remedy (Masters 1H & Shield) – provides strong healing and resistance boosts whenever you taunt, making it ideal for high-damage encounters and dungeon bosses. It pairs well with one-bar sets like Powerful Assault or Crimson Oath by using the back bar weapon and jewellery, leaving the front bar free for an arena set.
Void Bash (Vateshran 1H & Shield) – the meta choice for dungeon add pulls, allowing you to chain all enemies with one skill, saving resources that would otherwise be spent on a pull skill and highly effective for stacking enemies in dungeons to maximize group DPS.

ESO Tank Gear
Choosing the right armor setup for your Tank in The Elder Scrolls Online can significantly impact your survivability, sustain, and effectiveness. Below, we break down the different gear weight setups, their benefits, and when to use them.
For general tanking: Stick with 5 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light for a balanced mix of sustain and durability.
✅ Best for: High-damage encounters where survival is the top priority.
- Grants higher Max Health and Resistances, reduced Martial Damage, and extra Block Mitigation.
- Constitution Passive provides frequent 757 Magicka & Stamina restoration for sustain.
- Heavy Attacks restore more resources, aiding sustain.
- Downsides:
- Higher block cost and increased skill costs for Magicka and Stamina abilities.
- Lower max stats and Magicka Recovery compared to mix weight setups.
- Slower movement speed, making mobility-based fights harder.
- Recommended for: Hardest content where mitigation outweighs sustain concerns.
✅ Best for: General PvE tanking, including dungeons and trials.
- Increased Undaunted Mettle passive benefits, increasing Max Health, Magicka, and Stamina.
- Gains passives from Light & Medium Armor, including:
- Reduced skill cost (Magicka & Stamina).
- Increased recovery for both Magicka and Stamina.
- Higher Spell Resistance, movement speed, & block cost reduction.
- Downsides:
- Slightly less mitigation than 7 Heavy, but the trade-off is well worth it.
- Recommended for: All content, from beginner to endgame tanking.
✅ Best for: Off-tank roles or older, less punishing content.
- Greatly reduces block cost, making it easier to sustain.
- Increases Stamina sustain and roll dodge efficiency.
- Downsides:
- Significantly lower mitigation, making it harder to survive high-damage encounters.
- Less Magicka sustain for self-healing.
- Recommended for: Older dungeons, easier trials, and Off Tanks who don’t need full defensive capabilities.
ESO Tank Gear Traits
When choosing traits for your tank gear in The Elder Scrolls Online, it’s one of the few areas where you have some flexibility, even in organized group content. While sets and skills may be predetermined by your group’s needs, gear traits allow you to optimize for your own sustain, survivability, and efficiency.
- Big Slots: Head, Chest, Legs, and Shield – These offer higher resistance values and full-strength glyph effects.
- Small Slots: Shoulder, Waist, Hands, and Feet – These provide lower resistances and reduced glyph potency.
Which Traits Should You Use?
- Experienced tanks optimizing sustain → Divines (Atronach Mundus for Magicka sustain).
- Content with heavy unblockable damage → Reinforced (Only when pushing resistance cap).
Trait | Value | Comments |
Sturdy | Reduces the cost of blocking by 4%. | Commonly used tank trait – good for new players, heavy blocking situations. Less valuable as you get better at timed blocking. Can be replaced with Bracing Jewellery enchant, suffers from heavy diminishing returns. |
Divines | Increases the power of your Mundus Stone effects by 9.1% | Great sustain trait. Commonly used with the Atronach Mundus for Magicka sustain or Steed for movement speed in certain trials. |
Reinforced | Increases this item’s Armor value by 16%. | Only useful for reaching 33,000 resistance cap, especially for non-Nord tanks or content with high unblockable damage (bleeds/DoTs) |
Well Fitted | Reduces the cost of Roll Dodge and Sprint by 6% | Situational use – great for fights that require frequent Roll Dodging or Sprinting, such as Cloudrest Gryphon tanking. |
Infused | Increases your Armor enchantment by 25%. | Not as effective post-Flames of Ambition update due to increased base stats, but can still be used for boosting max stats. |
Unused Traits | Nirnhoned – Only useful on slots where it outperforms Reinforced. |
ESO Tank Gear Enchants
The best all-around enchantment is Prismatic Defense (Tri-Stat), as it provides increased overall stats, making it superior to single-stat enchants.
However, Tri-Stat enchants can be expensive, so when progressing, use what fits your current needs—Health if survivability is an issue, Magicka if spells are draining too fast, and Stamina if blocking and dodging are depleting too quickly.
Situational Adjustments – If playing a Magicka-based race, you may need Stamina glyphs to ensure your Stamina remains higher than Magicka for resource return from Orbs (important for blocking sustain).
Trait | Value | Comments |
Multi-Effect Enchantment | Adds up to 434 Maximum Magicka & Stamina. Adds up to 477 Maximum Health. | Best Tank glyph – provides a balanced stat boost across all three resources. Place these on Big Slots (Head, Chest, Legs, Shield) for maximum benefit. If affordable, use on all slots. |
Health | Adds up to 868 Maximum Magicka/Stamina. Adds up to 954 Maximum Health. | Budget-friendly alternative – If Tri-Stat glyphs are too expensive, these provide a solid stat boost but lack resource balance. Often used on Small Slots (Hands, Waist, Feet, Shoulders) to save costs. |
ESO Tank Gear Sets
Most Used Sets
- Crimson Oath’s Rive – Used in all content where the group is under the penetration cap of 18200. Provides crucial penetration debuffs for the group.
- Lucent Echoes – Easy-to-use Tank alternative to Elemental Catalyst. Provides increased critical damage and healing with no micromanagement.
- Pearlescent Ward – Great for beginners and all content, typically used by Trial Main Tanks. Offers a 100% uptime damage buff with no micromanagement.
- Powerful Assault – Used in dungeons, arenas, and by Off Tanks in Trials. Boosts group damage, essential for high DPS groups.
- Saxhleel Champion – Mostly used by Necromancers and Trial Off Tanks. Provides Major Force when using an alternative Ultimate to Warhorn.
- Turning Tide – Fantastic for dungeons and also good for Trial Main Tanks. Provides a reliable huge enemy debuff increasing group DPS.
- Vestment of Olorime – Must-have for dungeons and arenas without a healer. Provides Major Courage increasing group Weapon and Spell Damage.

These sets are occasionally useful for Tanking and are often specific to the group composition, a particular boss fight, or a specific strategy.
- Claw of Yolnahkriin – No longer one of the top sets since it can be replaced by one Arcanist using the Arcanist’s Domain skill, but still useful for Trials if your group doesn’t have any Arcanists.
- Drake’s Rush – A fantastic dungeon set that provides group ultimate regeneration, leading to an approximate 8% DPS increase if used on cooldown.
- Elf Bane – A niche set used by Dragonknight Tanks to increase the duration of Magma Shell, especially seen in Infinity Archive and on specific trial bosses when trying to skip mechanics.
- Roar of Alkosh – Not a common Tank set nowadays but might be used by a Tank when playing as a hybrid DPS Tank in certain trials.
- War Machine / Master Architect – Another set that is no longer as common for Tanks but is sometimes used during trial add pulls and on dungeon bosses.
These sets are all support sets that will have some niche use. You won’t often if at all ever be asked to use these sets but they can be useful to collect as you never know when they might be used, having all support sets available simply improves your ability to be versatile for any mechanics, tactics and future content.
- Arkasis’s Genius -An Ultimate gaining set providing a burst of Ultimate rather than over time, useful for situations requiring rapid Ultimate gain, though it has high waste potential compared to Drake’s Rush.
- Ebon Armory – No longer a valuable set but easy to obtain and maintain, providing a minor health buff to your group.
- Elemental Catalyst – Previously used to buff Crit damage, now replaced by Lucent Echoes due to being easier to use.
- Jorvuld’s Guidance – Increases the duration of major and minor buffs and damage shields, previously used in niche situations but now overshadowed by more useful Tank sets.
- Pillager’s Profit – Rarely used by Tanks who need their Ultimate, but plausible for hybrid Off Tanks in niche situations.
- The Worm’s Raiment – Provides sustain but is hard to fit into group compositions and less efficient compared to other sources.
- Torug’s Pact – Probably the best crafted set for Tanks, a good starter set if lacking Tank gear.
- Way of Martial Knowledge – Might be used by an Off Tank in trials if not fully Tanking, though it’s hard to use while Tanking.
These sets are occasionally listed but are typically not the most useful. They often appear due to outdated information or old builds, and it’s generally advised not to waste much time farming, upgrading, or enchanting this gear. While some might be useful for beginner or inexperienced Tanks, they can often hamper long-term progress and Tanking ability, and groups will not allow their use in content such as Trials.
- Aegis of Galenwe – No longer useful as the buff enhances heavy attacks, which are infrequently used by damage dealers.
- Akaviri Dragonguard – Decent for beginner Tanks but not recommended for long-term use, as crafted sets or Drake’s Rush for ultimate benefit are better options.
- Armor of the Seducer – A great crafted set for absolute beginner Tanks but should only be used at the very start.
- Armor of the Trainee – Worth collecting for its versatility with mythic items, providing the best value for a one-piece item and available in all three weights for resistance maximization.
- Bani’s Torment – With Frost Clench gaining Major Maim and the ease of access to Major Vitality with Scribing, this set has become pretty useless, as it’s a whole 5-piece set now replaced by just two skills.
- Battalion Defender – An auto-healing set with group healing potential, but generally not recommended as healing should come from healers or skills rather than a full 5-piece set.
- Brands of Imperium – A group shielding set affecting only 6 people and hard to control when it procs, making it generally not very useful.
- Crest of Cyrodiil – A decent beginner Tank set for a Trials Main Tank, though it’s quite expensive nowadays.
- Dragon’s Defilement – Used to be useful for AoE Minor Breach, especially on Trial add pulls, but is now completely useless as this effect has been added to various skills instead.
- Fortified Brass – A solid crafted set providing significant resistances, good for new players who lack Champion Points for reducing damage from enemies.
- Frozen Watcher – Used to be needed for AoE Minor Brittle on add pulls, but now useless as this can be achieved with the skill Pulsar and multiple other methods.
- Grave Guardian – Not a great set as there are better methods to provide group resistance buffs through skills and Monster Sets.
- Hircine’s Veneer – No longer used due to the hybridisation changes.
- Leeching Plate – Often seen in beginner builds and can be good for effortless Tanking, but it hinders long-term progression as you become too reliant on its automatic activation to keep you alive rather than casting a skill to shield or heal yourself, and it won’t be accepted by groups in later game content.
- Plague Doctor – Commonly used but Ebon Armory is a better alternative as it offers the health boost along with a group buff.
- Stone-Talker’s Oath – A group sustain set, but you gain more resources from the skill Necrotic Orb and the Symphony of Blades monster set.
- The Morag Tong – Increases enemy damage from Poison and Disease, but no longer used.
- Tormentor – No longer needed as Werewolf Tanks now have a Taunt and it no longer AoE Taunts.
ESO Tank Jewellery
In The Elder Scrolls Online, selecting the right jewellery traits and enchants can greatly enhance your tank’s sustain, survivability, and support capabilities. This section of the guide covers the best jewellery traits and enchantments, explaining how they impact tanking and which to choose based on your playstyle and group composition.
ESO Tank Jewellery Traits
Your choice of jewellery traits depends on your sustain strategy and synergy availability. Harmony and Infused are the top options, each excelling in different scenarios.
Trait | Value | Comments |
Harmony | Activating a synergy restores 880 Health, Magicka and Stamina. | Best in trials where synergies are frequent, providing massive resource gain. Essential for newer players needing extra sustain. Use at every opportunity but becomes useless if no one is providing synergies. |
Infused | Increases jewellery enchantment effectiveness by 60%. | Best for situations with limited synergies. Enhances sustain when used with Magicka Recovery, Bracing, or Cost Reduction glyphs. |
Swift | Increases movement speed by 7%. | Ideal for add pulls in trials, speed runs, and staying ahead of the group. Ideally switched in and out where needed, not used permanently. |
Triune | Increases Max Magicka/Stamina by 439 and Health by 482. | Boosts overall stats, useful if prioritizing max resources over sustain. Works well in some niche situations. |
Protective | Increases Spell Resistance and Physical Resistance by 1190. | Not commonly used, as reaching the resistance cap is easily achieved through other means. |
Arcane, Healthy, Robust | Increases Maximum Health by 965 Increases Maximum Stamina/Magicka by 877. | Standard drop traits; sometimes useful for balancing Stamina and Magicka for resource sustain. |
Unused Traits | Bloodthirsty (DPS-focused), Invigorating (low impact), Impenetrable (PvP-only), Training (for leveling). |
ESO Tank Jewellery Enchants
Jewellery enchants determine your resource sustain and efficiency. Magicka Recovery and Prismatic Cost Reduction are the strongest choices, but some builds may benefit from niche options.
For most tanks, Magicka Recovery with Infused jewellery is the strongest setup, providing reliable sustain. Harmony with synergies can outperform Infused if you have frequent synergy access.
For Tanks using regular Stamina skills, using Prismatic Cost Reduction with Infused jewellery would be the best option.
Trait | Value | Comments |
Magicka Recovery | Adds 169 Magicka Recovery. | Repora – Makkoma(Magicka) – Kuta Best overall enchant for tanks, as most key abilities and sustain tools rely on Magicka. |
Prismatic Cost Reduction | Reduce Health, Magicka, and Stamina cost of abilities by 133 | Itade – Indeko – Kuta Strong for high-skill tanks who use multiple resource pools efficiently. Don’t use if you don’t have any Stamina costing skills. |
Reduce Spell/Feat Cost | Reduce Magicka/Stamina cost of spells/abilities by 203. | Itade – Makkoma(Spell) Denima(Feat) – Kuta Less effective than recovery but viable for high APM builds or stamina skill-heavy tanks. |
Bracing | Reduces the cost of Block by 203 | Itade – Kaderi – Kuta Good for beginners. Can replace full Sturdy gear setup for block sustain, but heavy diminishing returns apply. |
Alchemical Acceleration | Reduce the cooldown of potions below this item’s level by 5 seconds. | Itade – Oru – Kuta Niche trial use and useful for tanks relying on potions for sustain, especially Nightblades or Argonians. |
Alchemical Boost | Increases the durations of potions effects by 3.6 seconds. | Repora – Oru – Kuta Best for extending powerful potion effects like Immovability. |
ESO Tank Monster Sets
In The Elder Scrolls Online, selecting the right jewellery traits and enchants can greatly enhance your tank’s sustain, survivability, and support capabilities. This section of the guide covers the best jewellery traits and enchantments, explaining how they impact tanking and which to choose based on your playstyle and group composition.
Your choice of jewellery traits depends on your sustain strategy and synergy availability. Harmony and Infused are the top options, each excelling in different scenarios.
Most Used Sets
- Archdruid Devyric – Used in all content, this two-piece set provides Major Vulnerability, boosting group DPS. It pairs well with Turning Tide for 100% Major Vulnerability uptime and procs off a heavy attack, making it simple to use.
- Nazaray – Primarily a trial set, it extends the duration of Major and Minor debuffs applied by you and your group, significantly boosting DPS when used with stacked Ultimates.
- Tremorscale – A niche set useful in all content, it provides a penetration boost. Its necessity varies, especially if other sets like Alkosh or Crimson Oath’s Rive are in use.

These monster sets are worth collecting as they provide useful benefits. While not always required or used in every group, they are a tier below the top sets and offer functional use for tanks in certain groups and boss fights.
- Encratis’s Behemoth – Useful when group members utilize multiple fire damage abilities, it buffs outgoing fire damage, reduces incoming fire damage and enhances group survival against bosses that inflict fire damage.
- Engine Guardian – A good beginner monster set that is easy to use and obtain. It provides a significant amount of resources, helping you sustain while tanking.
- Lord Warden – This set boosts your own resistances and procs an aura on the ground that group members can stand inside to gain resistances. It works well in boss fights with high damage where the group stacks close to the boss and the tank.
- Nunatak – Requires some group coordination but can help the group reach the crit cap by applying Major Brittle to enemies. When combined with someone using Nazaray, it can extend the duration of its debuff, allowing you to drop sets like Saxhleel Champion and free up space for another 5-piece gear set.
- Symphony of Blades – Not usually used by tanks but sometimes requested in 4-player content without a healer. It helps damage dealers sustain and output more DPS by ensuring they have the resources to do so.
These niche sets are situational or useful for specific fights and depend on the experience of the tank. They are particularly helpful for newer tanks to overcome challenging situations, mechanics, or bosses. It’s not worth spending many resources upgrading and enchanting these sets as they are infrequently used.
- Baron Zaudrus – A great Ultimate generation set when you need fast Ultimate. It can be easily procced with one cast of Elemental Susceptibility, making it quick, easy, and reliable for gaining Ultimate.
- Bloodspawn – Used for gaining Ultimate faster, this set requires you to take damage but only has a 6% chance to proc. While not as effective as Baron Zaudrus, it is automatic, so you gain extra Ultimate without additional effort.
- Earthgore – Only useful if you have a decent amount of Max Stamina, as the heal scales with it. It provides a reasonable heal when you are low on health and can also remove harmful effects placed by enemies on the ground.
- Sentinel of Rkugamz – A group sustain set that you can proc by healing yourself, aiding both your own and your group’s sustain. It is easy to obtain and is often replaced by Symphony of Blades later on.
- Swarm Mother – Typically not used since you can chain enemies with skills or AoE chain all enemies with the Void Bash Vateshran set. However, it can be helpful when you need an easy or automatic chain.
- The Troll King – An alternative to Earthgore, it provides a stack of Health Regen. This is particularly effective if you stack Health Regen with other sources such as food, CP, Mundus/Divines, and Major and Minor Fortitude.
These sets were previously useful or frequently used for tanks but have since been replaced by skills that provide the same effects more reliably than a two-piece monster set.
- Lady Thorn – Previously applied Major Maim to enemies, but this can now be applied by Frost Clench and Scribed skills, making it no longer worth using.
- Magma Incarnate – Provided Minor Courage and Minor Resolve to a group of 4, but the effect bounces between allies, potentially missing some if they are spread out. All these effects can be more reliably provided by an Arcanist’s skills.
- Mighty Chudan – A waste of a two-piece set as it only gives Major Resolve. Many skills provide this same buff, allowing you to use a more beneficial monster set.
- Scourge Harvester – Gives a chance-based proc of Major Vitality, but you can achieve Major Vitality with 100% certainty using Scribing skills, making this set unnecessary.
- Stonekeeper – A poor sustain set that takes a long time to proc and provides very few resources in return.
- Thurvokun – Applies AoE Minor Maim, but this can be achieved with multiple skills, especially Ice Staff abilities.
ESO Tank Mythic Items
In The Elder Scrolls Online, selecting the right jewellery traits and enchants can greatly enhance your tank’s sustain, survivability, and support capabilities. This section of the guide covers the best jewellery traits and enchantments, explaining how they impact tanking and which to choose based on your playstyle and group composition.
Your choice of jewellery traits depends on your sustain strategy and synergy availability. Harmony and Infused are the top options, each excelling in different scenarios.
Most Used Sets
- Death Dealer’s Fete – Grants a significant boost to all Max Stats while in combat. Although it’s less commonly used, it offers substantial power when space allows, though this is increasingly rare in current meta.
- Ring of the Wild Hunt – Ideal for add pulls in trials, this item provides a substantial speed boost to navigate areas quickly. It has niche uses in specific encounters, like off-tanking during Asylum Sanctorium Hardmode.
- Spaulder of Ruin – The most popular Mythic for Tanks, providing a large group aura that grants 260 Weapon and Spell Damage to up to 6 group members, at the cost of 70 recovery per member. Commonly used by the Off Tank in trials for a strong, easy-to-maintain buff, though it can make sustain challenging with a total recovery loss of 420.

These monster sets are worth collecting as they provide useful benefits. While not always required or used in every group, they are a tier below the top sets and offer functional use for tanks in certain groups and boss fights.
- Encratis’s Behemoth – Useful when group members utilize multiple fire damage abilities, it buffs outgoing fire damage, reduces incoming fire damage and enhances group survival against bosses that inflict fire damage.
- Engine Guardian – A good beginner monster set that is easy to use and obtain. It provides a significant amount of resources, helping you sustain while tanking.
- Lord Warden – This set boosts your own resistances and procs an aura on the ground that group members can stand inside to gain resistances. It works well in boss fights with high damage where the group stacks close to the boss and the tank.
- Nunatak – Requires some group coordination but can help the group reach the crit cap by applying Major Brittle to enemies. When combined with someone using Nazaray, it can extend the duration of its debuff, allowing you to drop sets like Saxhleel Champion and free up space for another 5-piece gear set.
- Symphony of Blades – Not usually used by tanks but sometimes requested in 4-player content without a healer. It helps damage dealers sustain and output more DPS by ensuring they have the resources to do so.
These niche sets are situational or useful for specific fights and depend on the experience of the tank. They are particularly helpful for newer tanks to overcome challenging situations, mechanics, or bosses. It’s not worth spending many resources upgrading and enchanting these sets as they are infrequently used.
- Baron Zaudrus – A great Ultimate generation set when you need fast Ultimate. It can be easily procced with one cast of Elemental Susceptibility, making it quick, easy, and reliable for gaining Ultimate.
- Bloodspawn – Used for gaining Ultimate faster, this set requires you to take damage but only has a 6% chance to proc. While not as effective as Baron Zaudrus, it is automatic, so you gain extra Ultimate without additional effort.
- Earthgore – Only useful if you have a decent amount of Max Stamina, as the heal scales with it. It provides a reasonable heal when you are low on health and can also remove harmful effects placed by enemies on the ground.
- Sentinel of Rkugamz – A group sustain set that you can proc by healing yourself, aiding both your own and your group’s sustain. It is easy to obtain and is often replaced by Symphony of Blades later on.
- Swarm Mother – Typically not used since you can chain enemies with skills or AoE chain all enemies with the Void Bash Vateshran set. However, it can be helpful when you need an easy or automatic chain.
- The Troll King – An alternative to Earthgore, it provides a stack of Health Regen. This is particularly effective if you stack Health Regen with other sources such as food, CP, Mundus/Divines, and Major and Minor Fortitude.
These sets were previously useful or frequently used for tanks but have since been replaced by skills that provide the same effects more reliably than a two-piece monster set.
- Lady Thorn – Previously applied Major Maim to enemies, but this can now be applied by Frost Clench and Scribed skills, making it no longer worth using.
- Magma Incarnate – Provided Minor Courage and Minor Resolve to a group of 4, but the effect bounces between allies, potentially missing some if they are spread out. All these effects can be more reliably provided by an Arcanist’s skills.
- Mighty Chudan – A waste of a two-piece set as it only gives Major Resolve. Many skills provide this same buff, allowing you to use a more beneficial monster set.
- Scourge Harvester – Gives a chance-based proc of Major Vitality, but you can achieve Major Vitality with 100% certainty using Scribing skills, making this set unnecessary.
- Stonekeeper – A poor sustain set that takes a long time to proc and provides very few resources in return.
- Thurvokun – Applies AoE Minor Maim, but this can be achieved with multiple skills, especially Ice Staff abilities.