Neverwinter Paladin Tank Build

Neverwinter Paladin Introduction

If you’re looking for a reliable Tank build in Neverwinter, a Paladin could be an excellent choice.

Paladins are known for their strong defensive capabilities and ability to protect their allies in battle. They also possess some strong healing abilities, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any group. In addition, Paladins have a unique set of abilities that allow them to deal damage while also mitigating incoming attacks, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Whether you’re new to Neverwinter or a seasoned player, a Paladin Tank build can provide a solid foundation for your adventuring party.

Neverwinter Paladin Race

There are many good options for a Paladin Tank. Drow is a good option as it provides a group buff by reducing enemies defence but selecting another option is generally ok.

  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Halfling
  • Tiefling
  • Drow
  • Dragonborn
  • Aasimar

Neverwinter Paladin Ability Scores

Ability Points should be put into:

  • Constitution to increase max Health and Stamina.
  • Strength if you need Stamina Regen.
  • Charisma in place of STR if you want to improve recharge speed and can afford to lose the Stam Regen.

Neverwinter Paladin Stats

When playing as a Tank you’ll want to focus your Main Stats into:

  • Defense
  • Awareness
  • Critical Avoidance

Other useful benefits include:

  • Stamina Regeneration
  • Maximum Hit Points
  • Incoming Healing
  • Action Point Gain
  • Movement Speed

You want to have the same rating for these as the value of your Total Item Level to cap out the benefits. So for example if you have a 50,000 Item Level, you also want to have 50,000 Defense Rating. As you increase your Total Item Level you’ll also need to find ways to increase your Stats. Some of these things will be buffed or increased when you are part of a group but this can only be reliable if you are part of an organised team.

Things that are not listed on your Stats sheet are resistances and damage reduction. These are just as important and you want a big focus on those by using Boons, Companions and Mount bonuses that offer resistances to enemies types or damage reduction.

Neverwinter Paladin Enchantments

Offense – Garnet Enchantment increases power

Defense – Jade Enchantment to max out Critical Avoidance

Utility – Cobalt Enchantment increased incoming healing

Overload 1 – Unholy Protection

Overload 2 – Resiliency of the Depths

Combat – Fortified Nature damage over time reduction

Bonus – Movement Bonus increased movement speed

Neverwinter Paladin Artifacts

Primary Artifact – Lantern of Revelation – Group utility increases damage enemies receive

Passive Artifact 1 – Assassin’s Dice – Completes the Assassin’s Luck set which we’re using on the gear

Passive Artifact 2 – Gond’s Anvil of Creation – Increases Critical Avoidance and Stamina Regen

Passive Artifact 3 – Illusionist’s Mask – Accuracy, Deflection and Stamina Regen

When joining organised groups you may also be asked for Black Dragon’s Mark

Neverwinter Paladin Powers


  • Oath Strike – AoE Damage and Threat – Hold it down and Block weave it to gain AP
  • Shielding Strike – Stamina restoration, use it when low or struggling for Stamina


  • Vow of Enmity – Single target application but generates AoE threat, good way to initiate combat.
  • Templar’s Wrath – AoE damage and great threat generation.
  • Absolution – Reduces your incoming damage.
  • Other: Replace Vow for Burning Light for Stun if its needed. Binding Oath for Stamina Restoration if you can’t sustain block.


  • Divine Judgement – Helps to maintain threat on bosses.
  • Divine Protector – Combine with Shield of the Gods feat and alternate with Absolution for great self survival.
  • Shield of Faith – Additional group survival if you don’t need Divine Protector.


  • Block – Try not to perma-block, only block hits then drop block to regen Stamina
  • Divine Champion – Combine with Unyielding Champion Feat and when you block while using this it activates your Divine Palisade mechanic which decreases damage taken and heals you and your group if they are behind you.

Class Feature

  • Composure – Faster divinity regen
  • Aura of Wrath – Group damage buff
  • Aura of Protection – Use instead of Wrath if you want added group survival


  1. Neither are very useful
  2. Burning Vengeance – Buffs your Burning Light skill if/when you use it
  3. Divine Pursuit – Helps to restore divinity
  4. Shield of the Gods – Changes your Divine Protector Daily to reduce your incoming damage. Use Sheltering Light if you use Shield of Faith for additional group healing.
  5. Unyielding Champion – buffs your Divine Champion mechanic.

Neverwinter Paladin Boons


To apply these boons you need to complete Adventures and Campaigns to earn Boon points which you can spend on the following benefits:

  • Tier 1: 2 Recruits Training, 5 Critical Avoidance, 5 Cultist Bulwark, 5 Cultist Power
  • Tier 2: 5 Defense, 5 Demonic Bulwark, 5 Demonic Mastery, 5 Marathon Runner, 5 Lingering Medicine
  • Tier 3: 5 Awareness, 5 Dino Bulwark, 5 Dino Power, 5 Lingering Fortification
  • Tier 4: 5 Necrotic Bulwark, 5 Necrotic Mastery
  • Tier 5: 4 Welcome Blessings, 4 Call of Power
  • Master Boons: 3 Blood Lust

Guild Stronghold

To obtain these boons you must join a guild.

  • Offense: Power Bonus
  • Defense: Incoming Healing or Awareness Bonus
  • Utility: Movement Speed Bonus

Neverwinter Paladin Companions

Companions can help you in a number of ways – there are some very strong group benefitting companions however these can be extremely expensive. It’s worth noting that you need 10 really strong Companions to increase your Bolster – without this you won’t be able to reach a high enough Item Level.

Spined Devil provides a solid group DPS benefit by increasing the amount of damage enemies receive.

Bruenor Battlehammer provides really good group damage reduction.

For a cheap alternative you could use Siege Master that provides 3% damage reduction for your group.

When doing organised group content you’ll often be asked for a Tamed Velociraptor for the Raptor’s Instincts power which is great when other people are using it.

When choosing a Companion, you should look at the Stats and Powers tab of your equipped Companion, and then you are looking for any Powers they have that provide group defence, reduced incoming damage, increased outgoing damage or increasing enemies received damage.

Companion Gear

You want to use gear on your companion that has any of these stats:

  • Defense
  • Awareness
  • Critical Avoidance
  • Incoming Healing.

Companion Enhancement & Powers

This is where you’ll need a selection of different Companions so that you can gain access to their benefits which you can equip here. There are many different viable Companions, the main things you are looking for here are anything that includes group benefits, Awareness, Resistance, Defense, Crital Avoiance, Incoming Healing or Increased Max Health

  • Enhancement: Armor Break – reduces the enemies defence meaning the will receive more damage from your group. Weapon Break for survival.
  • Offense Slot:
  • Defense Slot: Deceptive Insight (Frost Mimic)
  • Utility Slot: Bard’s Discipline (Harper Bard)

Neverwinter Paladin Mounts

Once again the main priority with your Mount is having access to some group utility.

For your Combat Power you want one of these mounts to give that group benefit:

  1. Swarm
  2. King of Spines
  3. Pegasus
  4. Reconnaissance Balloons

For Equip Power the easiest option is the Manticore (Ruinic Aura).


  • Supportive Crescent Collar – Stamina Gain
  • Unified Regal Collar – Incoming Healing
  • Wayfaring Regal Collar – AP Gain
  • Sturdy Crescent Collar – Encounter Power
  • Practical – Any


For your mounts you should equip Fortified & Courage Insignias.

Your priority is to combine Insignias to gain additional Insignia Bonuses, you can use multiple of the same Insignia Bonuses as they stack

Shepherd’s Devotion – This is a group buff to defence and movement speed and should be the main focus by using a few stabled mounts with this bonus.

Gladiator’s Guile – Great for movement speed and Stamina regen.

Self Healing Bonuses – There are a number of beneficial bonuses you can use if you are going into new content or struggling to survive, you won’t get a lot of healing but it might be enough to help you to not die:

  • Champions Return
  • Knights Rebuke
  • Oppressor’s Reprieve
  • Survivors Blessing

Neverwinter Paladin Consumables

Potion Tray:

  • 3 – Stone of Health
  • 4 – Novelty Item something that can do damage or provide a long duration buff to things like accuracy.
  • 5 – Novelty Item same as above.