The Quinfall First Impressions – Exciting Vision, Unfinished Reality

The Quinfall was shrouded in controversy in early 2024, with many people asking if this was a real game. With a secret closed beta test and numerous claims about the game’s use of bought assets and AI-generated content rather than custom artwork and animations, suspicions arose about The Quinfall possibly not being real.

Fast forward to July 2024, and the developers have made a concerted effort to reach out to many content creators, inviting them to test the game. I was among those invited to try it out, and after some time playing, I’m here to give you the inside scoop on the game’s development as of July 2024.

I aim to be fair and not overly critical, as this game is still in deep development. However, I must admit that I haven’t played the game for as long as I wanted to because it simply didn’t work.

The Quinfall Character Creation

Once you create your character, you move on to a long video introduction to set the scene for the game. I watched the entire opening scene to understand the story and the “why am I playing” aspect, but I found it extremely hard to watch. The voice acting was poor, with incorrect or badly pronounced words, and the visuals didn’t make much sense, resembling something from Star Wars rather than fitting the game’s theme. This part needs a lot of work because I completely lost interest in the story. Despite watching the whole thing, I couldn’t tell you what it was about.

The Quinfall Character Creation

The Quinfall Opening Scene

Once you make your character you move onto a long video introduction to set the scene for what the game. I watched the whole opening scene to try and understand the story thats being told and the kind of “why am I playing” but I found it extremely hard to watch. The voicing wasn’t good, the pronunciation of words was either bad or completely wrong and the visuals didn’t really make sense as it looked like something from Star Wars. This needs a lot of work because I completely lost interest in the story even though I watched the whole thing I couldn’t tell you what it was about.

The Quinfall Star Wars

The Quinfall Tutorial

The tutorial basically gets you running… and running… and running through an area, learning how to run. I did scope out the in-game map, and it’s absolutely huge. I will try to get a feel for what the actual in-game area is like compared to the map in the future.

Eventually, you meet an enemy to learn about combat, but even after it reached zero health, it wouldn’t die. I kept attacking until the enemy had minus 435 health before it eventually died.

Next, I moved on to jumping and wall climbing, only to find I couldn’t climb and then got stuck in a rock. At that point, I decided to skip the rest of the tutorial.

The Quinfall Enemy Not Dying

The Quinfall Starter Area

As you move into the starter area, your first quest involves an NPC who gives you a mount. The story doesn’t really continue from the initial cutscene at this point. Nothing is voiced, but you do gain a mount, so happy days. I hop on the mount and pick up the next quest. Then I ride around for a bit and basically get stuck on my mount. I pressed every single button on my keyboard to try and dismount with no joy. Eventually, I load up the control screen to see what the buttons are, and to mount up is P. I press that to see if it works, and it doesn’t. I hold P, and eventually, I am able to dismount. The mounting and dismounting process sometimes works and other times it doesn’t.

Now I want to kill some enemies and get my next quest done, which is to kill 50 enemies. I kill a bunch of stuff, gather some flowers, and skin some animals. It all seems okay, although the skinning process sometimes took like 45 seconds or more, which is a bit too long.

The Quinfall Mount

I go to the map marker for the next quest, as all of the enemies I killed so far don’t register as a kill. When I get to the marked area, there’s nothing there. I wander around a bit and take a swim, and the animation for that is pretty decent. I’m shocked at the vast open area I can see but at the same time disappointed with how empty it actually is aside from the plants.

I ride back to the start point since there’s nothing here and I basically run into a situation where I cannot kill any enemies. When I attack them, they teleport and go invisible. I try killing different level enemies and move around to kill different types, and they all do the same thing. At this point, I give up and just log out.

The Quinfall Disappearing Enemy

The Quinfall Graphics and Sound

Graphically, the game is very poor. It has a hazy, fuzzy appearance. I thought it might be my settings, but after adjusting and trying multiple graphic settings, it did not alleviate the issue. When moving the camera, it feels laggy and moves really badly. However, looking into the vast landscape with the camera still, the areas do actually look fantastic when you look past the hazy appearance. This suggests that a lot more optimisation is required, and we have to remember the game is still in development.

The sounds you hear when running or from enemies get annoying extremely quickly. There are only about two different footstep sounds, so after walking for a few seconds, it gets extremely irritating. The enemies making a squeaking noise started to really grind my gears after the second time too. There’s just not enough dynamic sound, and it’s actually quite painful to listen to.

The Quinfall Open Area

The Quinfall Combat

The Quinfall is an action combat MMORPG, but the skills feel quite bland and impactless. You often miss the target and swing skills straight through or past enemies. I hopped into a quick PvP game mode that was advertised in the corner of the screen, and everyone was just sprinting and zooming around; the movement speed is way too fast. Players were aimlessly swinging weapons and hoping they hit something.

I’ve played many action combat MMOs, and I usually love the freedom and control you have over your character, but the combat in The Quinfall is going to require a lot of work to bring it in line with other games like New World and The Elder Scrolls Online. While those are not perfect games, the combat, skills, and animations at least feel impactful and require a certain level of skill rather than just swinging and hoping you hit something.

The Quinfall PvP

The Quinfall Conclusion

The Quinfall has potential but is currently overshadowed by numerous issues. The character creation is impressively detailed, but the opening scene fails to engage. The tutorial and starter area are plagued by bugs and technical problems, and the graphics and sound design need significant improvement. Combat feels unrefined and lacks impact. While the game is still in development, substantial work is required to make it a competitive and enjoyable MMORPG.

Article by TC Lee13

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TC Lee is an experienced MMORPG content creator with over 20 years in the gaming industry. Specializing in tanking, guides, builds, and assisting beginners, TC Lee is dedicated to helping players improve their game and enjoy the best MMORPG experience.