Tarisland Tank Tier List – Which Tank Is The Best?

Welcome to our Tarisland Tank Tier List! After extensively playing each Tank class through all the content Tarisland has to offer, we’re here to help you choose the best class for your tanking needs. If you’re still unsure which class to choose, this guide should make your decision easier.

While the limited skills available for each class can make tanking somewhat restrictive, there are still notable differences depending on the content you’re tackling. Whether you’re diving into elite and challenge dungeons, raids, or the arcane realm, each class has its strengths.

This tier list is based on my personal experience and playthroughs with each Tank class. Your experiences might differ, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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Can a Warrior Tank? Absolutely! And they can do a pretty good job of it too. From my experience, though, I found them to be slightly less effective and fluid compared to the other two options. This might be personal preference, but the Warrior’s playstyle felt a bit clunky due to the need to build up Toughness and manage an extra resource, AP, alongside cooldowns. Where Warriors truly shine is in their DPS. As a Warrior Tank, I consistently achieved higher damage output compared to the other Tank classes.

Warriors offer two distinct playstyles: one focused on self-healing and sustain, and the other on damage reduction and glancing blows. While both playstyles provide increased resilience and reduced incoming damage, I found their main spammable skills centered around these aspects to be less effective overall.

However, in AoE situations, Warriors are unparalleled. The Storm Trample skill is incredibly powerful, allowing you to spam it and out-damage even dedicated damage dealers. This makes Warriors exceptionally strong in scenarios with multiple enemies, where their AoE capabilities can truly shine.

Tarisland Warrior

Barbarian Fighter is actually my main, and with an unbiased opinion, I believe they are the second-best Tank Class. In dungeons and arcane realms, Barbarians are incredibly effective, with their Axe Cyclone skill being fantastic for instant AoE aggro. Their defensive skills in these situations are also highly effective, providing a smooth skill rotation that builds and uses Frozen Runes to decrease incoming damage, boost defenses, and apply significant HP shields.

While I would love to push Barbarian as the best Tank Class, there are some situations where their lack of self-healing can be an issue. Barbarians rely heavily on a Healer, which is generally fine, but in high-damage scenarios, a bit of self-sustain can make survival easier, and the Barbarian falls short in this aspect. This shortfall becomes most apparent in raid situations where another class might perform better due to better self-sustain capabilities.

However, Barbarian Tanks are commonly seen in PvP, excelling in both Battleground and Arena PvP. Their ability to manage large groups of enemies and their strong defensive capabilities make them a popular choice in these environments.

Tarisland Warrior

When it comes to the Tarisland endgame, the Paladin stands out as the number one Tank class. In Challenge Mode Raids and high-score pursuits, Paladins truly shine due to their impressive glancing chance, reduced incoming damage, quick and accessible damage shields, and multiple self-healing abilities. These strengths make them ideal contenders for the hardest content in Tarisland.

While other classes may have gaps in their abilities, Paladins excel across all areas. They offer excellent damage reduction, short cooldown damage shields, multiple self-healing skills, and effective AoE abilities. This combination makes them highly versatile and effective Tanks.

In Challenge Raid content, Paladins demonstrate superior survival capabilities compared to Barbarians. However, in Dungeons and Arcane Realms, they can be slightly less effective. Despite having multiple AoE skills, it can take a few seconds longer for them to aggro enemies compared to other classes.

Paladins do require a decent build-up of cooldown. Once you have high cooldown reduction, they become even better, allowing for good uptimes and frequent casting of a varied selection of skills. Remarkably, the first 3-4 skills of the Paladin encompass more utility than the full skill sets of other classes, making them an incredibly well-rounded choice for tanking.

Tarisland Paladin

Article by TC Lee13

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TC Lee is an experienced MMORPG content creator with over 20 years in the gaming industry. Specializing in tanking, guides, builds, and assisting beginners, TC Lee is dedicated to helping players improve their game and enjoy the best MMORPG experience.