ESO Tank Monster Sets – Lord Warden

Set bonus

1 item: Adds 1487 Armor.
2 items: When you take damage, you have a 50% chance to summon a shadow orb for 10 seconds that increases the Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance of you and your group members within 8 meters by 3180. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.

Where to obtain:
Veteran Imperial City Prison, Urgalarg Chief-bane.

Lord Warden is a solid group buff set for stacked and stationary fights, commonly used by progression teams to enhance damage dealers’ resistance and survivability. It also provides self-resistances, beneficial for non-Nord tanks, with a reliable resistance buff available on cooldown.

The set’s main challenge is that the group buff requires standing still and stacking to be effective. However, it offers potential 100% uptime, making it dependable. It’s easy to obtain, making it ideal for beginner tanks who may lack champion points and resistances.