Best Tank Gems
Welcome to this article on New World and the Best Tank Gems. We are going to take a look at the best things to socket into your gems slots on both your armor and your weapons and give a [...]
Recovery vs Cost Reduction
Which is better Recovery vs Cost Reduction? In this article we are looking at Recovery vs Cost Reduction, and the reason for this is to help you understand which is better and under what circumstance you would [...]
Tank Resistances
Resistances Facts Resistances are hard capped at 33,000 so once you reach 33k Spell or Physical, anything extra that you have does nothing to benefit your character. At 33k you gain 50% mitigation and for each 660 [...]
ESO Tank Mundus
What is the Best ESO Tank Mundus Stone? The Atronach Increased Magicka Recovery by 310 (7 Divines Gear) Increased Magicka Recovery by 507 The Atronach is the most popular Mundus Stone for Tanks [...]
ESO Tank Resistances
Welcome to this article about ESO Tank Resistances Tank Resistances are an important part of being a Tank and mitigating damage in The Elder Scrolls Online. Resistances make very little difference for a lot of the older [...]