The Ultimate ESO Beginner Tank Guide

Welcome to The Ultimate Tank Guide for The Elder Scrolls Online!

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to become an effective Tank in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). We’ll start with the basics and gradually move into advanced strategies, ensuring you have the knowledge to excel in your role.

ESO offers a unique Tanking experience compared to many other MMORPGs. The game’s active combat style requires Tanks to maintain aggro, understand and manage mechanics, sustain resources, and survive through various challenges. In addition, Tanks are often expected to buff their group, debuff enemies, and support damage dealers, making them an integral part of any team. In veteran and hardmode content, Tanks play a crucial role in ensuring the group’s success, and the responsibilities can be demanding. While some may think Tanking is an easier role, it quickly becomes clear that it is one of the most challenging roles in ESO. The pressure on Tanks can be immense, as their performance directly impacts the group’s survival and success.

This guide will help you understand the fundamentals of Tanking in ESO. While we won’t be able to cover every mechanic for all dungeons, trials, and arenas, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to enter content as a Tank and perform your role effectively. Let’s get started!

What is an ESO Tank?

In Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), a Tank is the backbone of any group, the heavily armored frontline warrior who protects and defends allies from enemy threats. The primary role of a Tank is to aggro and control enemy targets, forcing them to attack you and minimizing the damage dealt to Damage Dealers and Healers.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Aggro Management: The Tank’s first job is to gain the attention of enemies, keeping their focus on you.
  2. Positioning: Safely positioning enemies to protect your allies and allow them to perform their roles effectively.
  3. Mechanics Mastery: Understanding and efficiently handling fight mechanics and tactics, as you will often deal with them more than other roles.
  4. Survivability: Prioritizing Max Health and Resistances to withstand heavy damage, ensuring you can endure sustained attacks.


  • Sustain: Balancing Magicka recovery and Stamina gain is crucial. Blocking depletes Stamina, which cannot regenerate while blocking, making Stamina management essential.
  • Survivability: Good sustain allows self-healing, but experience and knowledge of your class, race, role, and specific fights are vital for survival.

Advanced Responsibilities:

  • Support and Buffing: Once you master the basics, you will support your group by providing buffs and using gear sets that enhance group damage, survivability, and sustain.
  • Debuffing Enemies: Applying debuffs to enemies to increase the damage they take, which is easier for Tanks as they are always on the front line.
  • Efficiency: The quicker your group can defeat enemies, the better for everyone, especially for Tanks managing sustain and fight mechanics.

Mastering these elements is crucial for an effective ESO Tank, making you an invaluable asset to any group.

ESO Tank Class

Choosing the right Tank Class in Elder Scrolls Online largely depends on which class offers the most benefits to the group. The effectiveness of a Tank is not solely about their ability to withstand damage but also about the unique buffs and debuffs they bring to enhance the group’s overall performance.

Key Considerations:

  • Group Benefits: The most valuable Tank Classes provide significant buffs and debuffs that benefit both the Tank and the group.
  • Ease of Play: Some classes are more beginner-friendly, making them better choices for new Tanks.

Class Options:

  • Base Game Classes: Dragonknight, Nightblade, Sorcerer, Templar
  • Purchasable Classes: Warden, Necromancer, Arcanist

Each class has its unique strengths, with significant differences in the buffs, debuffs, and group benefits they offer. While every class is capable of Tanking, some excel more than others and provide additional perks that can make them more desirable for specific scenarios.

The Dragonknight Tank is perfect for new Tanks in Elder Scrolls Online. This class offers a comprehensive set of skills and passives that ensure excellent sustain and survival capabilities. Dragonknights excel in dungeon content and remain popular as main Tanks in trial content.

Why Choose Dragonknight?

  • Comprehensive Skill Set: User-friendly with all necessary tools for Tanking.
  • Excellent Sustain: Strong Magicka and Stamina management.
  • Strong Survival: Powerful self-healing and defensive abilities.
  • Versatile: Effective in both dungeons and trials.

While the Dragonknight is a standout choice, the Arcanist Tank also offers immense strength and group benefits, though it requires a purchase. Starting with a Dragonknight provides a solid foundation in ESO Tanking.

For more details on the Dragonknight’s strengths, weaknesses, and skills, check out the full Dragonknight Tank Build & Guide.

The Arcanist is the newest class in The Elder Scrolls Online and is known for its exceptional strength and versatility.

Why Choose Arcanist?

  • High Resistances: Easily reaches the resistance cap with minimal effort.
  • Regeneration: Can stack huge amounts of regen for sustained performance.
  • Group Benefits: Offers numerous buffs and debuffs, providing more utility than any other class.
  • Skill Efficiency: Some skills provide buffs equivalent to entire 5-piece gear sets, simplifying gear choices.

Key Features:

  • Crux System: Skills are categorized into crux earners and crux spenders. Use crux earners to build crux, which buffs crux spender skills.
  • Healing: Relies on large damage shields and an automatic heal that requires timely recasting.


  • Dungeons: Excels due to the extensive benefits from skills and passives.
  • Trials: Highly effective, with usage often determined by the group leader.

While the Arcanist can be complex for new players, mastering it offers immense rewards and makes it one of the top choices for both dungeons and trials. For a comprehensive breakdown of the Arcanist’s skills and benefits, check out the full Arcanist Tank Build & Guide.

The Sorcerer Tank has become increasingly prominent in endgame trial content and is an excellent choice for specific group compositions alongside being incredibly easy to play.

Why Choose Sorcerer?

  • Easy to Use: The simplicity of Sorcerer Tanking makes it great for beginners.
  • Group Buffs: Provides Major Berserk with Storm Atronach Ultimate and Minor Prophecy with the Exploitation passive, boosting DPS by 1-2k per Damage Dealer. Also offers Minor Intellect with Regenerative Ward.
  • Enemy Debuff: Can use Crystal Weapon to reduce enemy resistances, increasing group damage.

Key Features:

  • Self-Healing: Unstable Clannfear offers a strong heal scaling with Max Health. Combined with Regenerative Ward, it provides substantial damage shields.
  • Sustain: Dark Deal converts Magicka into Health and Stamina, simplifying sustain similar to Dragonknights, though it requires dropping block momentarily.
  • Survival Skills: Bound Aegis can cap block mitigation during heavy mechanics, making survival easier.


  • Group Composition: Ideal if there’s no other Sorcerer in the group. Less useful if another Sorcerer is present due to overlapping buffs.
  • Endgame Trials: Highly effective in endgame trials with their strong buffs and debuffs.

The Sorcerer Tank is versatile and resilient, making them a valuable addition to many group compositions. For a detailed breakdown of the Sorcerer’s skills and benefits, check out the full Sorcerer Tank Build & Guide.

The Necromancer is one of the most popular Off-Tank classes in ESO for Trials, known for its superior damage over time mitigation and ultimate regeneration. However, it is not as beginner-friendly as other classes, excelling more in endgame content.

Why Choose Necromancer?

  • DoT Mitigation: Excels in mitigating damage over time attacks, which are prevalent in newer trials and dungeons.
  • Ultimate Regeneration: Regenerates ultimate faster than any other class, thanks to skills like Necrotic Potency.
  • Group Damage Increase: Major Vulnerability from Frozen Colossus skill can significantly boost group damage, though this can now be replaced by more reliably applied gear sets like Turning Tide or Archdruid Devyric.

Key Features:

  • Self-Healing: Difficult for beginners as healing requires melee hits on enemies, which can be challenging in mobile fights.
  • Sustain: Stamina sustain is tough due to few resource-gaining skills or passives.
  • Group Utility: Offers benefits like Off Balance via Ruinous Scythe, Minor Vulnerability via Agony Totem, and AoE Major Breach with Unnerving Boneyard, though these can be provided by other sources.


  • Endgame Content: Ideal for endgame trials due to excellent DoT mitigation and ultimate regeneration.
  • Group Composition: Best used in groups without other Necromancers or specific gear sets like Turning Tide or Archdruid Devyric to maximize its unique benefits.


  • Complexity: Harder to sustain and self-heal compared to other classes, making it less suitable for beginners.
  • Reliance on Melee: Self-healing depends on melee attacks, which is problematic in transitional or mobile fights.

The Necromancer Tank shines in endgame content with its unique strengths but poses challenges for new players due to its complex sustain and healing mechanics. For a detailed breakdown of the Necromancer’s skills and benefits, check out the full Necromancer Tank Build & Guide.

The Warden Tank is user-friendly, especially at lower Champion Points (CP), due to its powerful healing, shields, and defensive group buffs.

Why Choose Warden?

  • Group Buffs: Provides Minor Toughness, increasing everyone’s health by 10% via the Maturation passive.
  • Defensive Support: Offers Major Resolve to the group with Expansive Frost Cloak, enhancing group survival and defense.
  • Enemy Debuffs: Applies Minor Vulnerability with Fetcher Infection, slightly boosting group DPS.

Key Features:

  • Self-Healing: Strong self-healing skill that also heals another player.
  • Projectile Protection: Shields against projectile damage, useful against specific bosses like Rakkhat and Z’Maja.
  • Easy to Play: Suitable for beginners due to straightforward abilities and strong defensive capabilities.


  • Group Composition: Ideal if there’s no other Warden in the group. Less useful if a Warden Healer is present, as they provide overlapping buffs.
  • Specific Bosses: Excels in niche situations against bosses that deal heavy projectile damage.


  • Weaker Passives: Lacks strong passives that significantly benefit Tanks compared to other classes.
  • Overlap with Healers: Often less needed in organized groups where Warden Healers are already present.

Warden Tanks are excellent for specific scenarios and provide unique support and defensive benefits. However, they are less necessary in groups with Warden Healers and have limited offensive contributions. For a detailed breakdown of the Warden’s skills and benefits, check out the full Warden Tank Build & Guide.

Nightblade Tanks are gradually becoming more viable, mainly in specific group compositions due to a reduction in Nightblade damage dealers but a need for their unique group buff. Although they are strong tanks, they are often replaced by other Nightblade roles and are generally not as effective as other classes.

Why Choose Nightblade?

  • Unique Group Buff: Provides Minor Savagery via the Hemorrhage passive.
  • Additional Group Benefits: Offers AoE Minor Vulnerability with Lotus Fan, Major Expedition, Minor Endurance, and Minor Intellect from Refreshing Path, Minor Cowardice from Power Extraction, and Major Cowardice from Mass Hysteria.

Key Features:

  • Improved Sustain and Healing: Better sustain and self-healing capabilities make Nightblade Tanks easier to play than before.
  • AoE Debuffing: Excellent at applying AoE debuffs and damage reduction buffs.
  • Self-Healing: Main self-heal is Dark Cloak, a heal-over-time that is stronger when stationary, but lacks the power of burst heals for sudden damage spikes.


  • Specific Group Compositions: Useful in groups that need the unique buffs Nightblades provide.
  • Trial Content: Can be effective in trials within certain group setups, though they are still not commonly used.


  • Situational Use: Nightblade Tanks are not frequently used due to the limited and situational group benefits compared to top tank classes.
  • Reliance on Scribing: To maximize their effectiveness in 4-player content, they need to rely on the new Scribing system.

Nightblade Tanks have become more viable but are still situational and not the first choice for many groups. They offer unique buffs and improved sustain, but their limited group benefits and situational effectiveness make them less desirable compared to other tank classes. For a detailed breakdown of the Nightblade’s skills and benefits, check out the full Nightblade Tank Build & Guide.

Templar Tanks are not highly desirable in most groups but can be effective for 4-person content.

Why Choose Templar?

  • Group Buff: Provides Minor Sorcery via the Illuminate passive, though this buff is often avoided as it’s not essential for most groups.
  • Utility Skills: Offers Extended Ritual, Power of the Light, and both morphs of Restoring Aura for additional utility.

Key Features:

  • Healing Over Time: Lacks a strong burst heal but compensates with multiple healing over time abilities such as Living Dark, Extended Ritual, and Restoring Focus, which also grants Stamina sustain and Major Resolve.
  • Easy Sustain: Sustain is simple in 4-person content due to Repentance.
  • Survivability: Enhanced by Radiant Ward, a Magicka-costing, Health-scaling damage shield that also provides Minor Protection.


  • 4-Person Content: Well-suited for dungeons and smaller group activities.
  • Utility: Can offer situational benefits with its range of healing and utility skills.


  • Limited Group Buffs: Minor Sorcery is not widely needed, reducing the Templar’s group utility.
  • Least Used: Currently the least used and least useful tank class in ESO, with limited desirability in larger group content.

While Templar Tanks can be effective in specific scenarios, their limited group buffs and niche utility make them less favourable compared to other tank classes. For a detailed breakdown of the Templar’s skills and benefits, check out the full Templar Tank Build & Guide.

ESO Tank Race

Choosing the right race for your tank in The Elder Scrolls Online has always been a debated topic. While you can successfully tank with any race, the choice becomes more critical in Hardmode Trial and Dungeon content.

Key Points:

  • Flexibility: Any race can be used for tanking; you don’t need to choose the “best” race to be successful.
  • Importance in Endgame: Race choice becomes more significant in high-level content like Hardmode Trials and Dungeons.
  • Casual Play: If you don’t plan on reaching the highest levels of tanking, the race is less crucial.

For detailed information on the best tank races and their benefits, check out the Tank Race Page.


Nords are the best choice for a tank in the long term. You’ll benefit from increased resistances and Ultimate gain. In the newer endgame content, those resistances are crucial to mitigate the high damage and provide more versatility. Key benefits include:

  • Reveler: Increases your experience gain with the Two Handed skill line by 15%. Increases the duration of any consumed drink by 15 minutes.
  • Resist Frost: Increases your Max Health by 1000 and Frost Resistance by 4620.
  • Stalwart: Increases your Max Stamina by 1500. When you take damage, you gain 5 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
  • Rugged: Increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2600.


Redguard is a fantastic choice for beginner tanks. They help with stamina sustain through the Adrenaline Rush passive, restoring 1005 stamina every 5 seconds when dealing damage. Other benefits include:

  • Wayfarer: Increases your experience gain with the One Hand and Shield skill line by 15%. Increases the duration of any eaten food by 15 minutes.
  • Martial Training: Reduces the cost of your weapon abilities by 8%. Reduces the effectiveness of snares applied to you by 15%.
  • Conditioning: Increases your Max Stamina by 2000.
  • Adrenaline Rush: When you deal damage, you restore 1005 Stamina. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.

Redguard is particularly beneficial for players struggling with stamina sustain, making it a good choice for casual tanks seeking immediate improvement.

ESO Tank Attributes

From level 1 to 50, each time you level up, you gain Attribute Points. By level 50, you will have a total of 64 Attribute Points to distribute.

Setting Your Attributes
There’s no absolute right or wrong way to set your attributes, but as a beginner, it’s good to aim for some base level stats:

  • Max Health: 38k+
  • Max Stamina: 20k+
  • Max Magicka: 16k+
ESO Attributes

How to Achieve These Stats

  1. Gear and Enchantments: Ensure you have your gear equipped and enchanted.
  2. Skills and Passives: Slot your skills and input passives.
  3. Champion Points: Distribute any available Champion Points.
  4. Food Buffs: Eat food to further boost your stats.
  5. Attribute Points: Allocate your Attribute Points last, based on the remaining need.

Recommended Distribution: Typically, you can start by placing all 64 points into Health and using Stamina and Magicka glyphs on your gear. This initial setup can change as you progress and adapt to different content.

Prismatic Defense Glyphs: Once you obtain a good tank set, invest in Prismatic Defense (Tri-Stat) glyphs to gain more maximum stats. Though expensive, they are superior to single stat glyphs, providing 2676 more total stats.

Importance of High Max Health: High Max Health is crucial because tank-based healing and damage shield skills scale with Max Health. The more health you have, the larger your heals and shields will be, providing more room for error and survivability.

Balancing Stats

  • Avoid Imbalance: Don’t focus solely on Health. Even with 60k Health, insufficient Magicka or Stamina can still lead to failure, as you won’t be able to heal or block effectively.
  • Max Stamina: Essential for blocking. Stamina is not regained while blocking, so sustaining Stamina is more important than having a large pool.
  • Stamina Priority: Ensure your Stamina is higher than Magicka. Synergies like Orbs or Shards restore the resource with the highest max value.
  • Max Magicka: Necessary for skill usage and healing. Aim for around 16k to maintain skill casting and healing without running out quickly. Magicka sustain is generally easier due to regeneration while blocking.

Sustaining Resources

  • Stamina Sustain: Focus on sustaining Stamina rather than maximizing it. Learn mechanics to block less, use heavy attacks, food, potions, and harmony jewellery to improve sustain.
  • Magicka Sustain: Easier to maintain due to regeneration. Aim for decent Magicka recovery rather than a high Max Magicka.

By following these guidelines, you’ll have a balanced and effective setup for tanking in ESO, ensuring you can handle various content while learning and progressing in your tanking role.

ESO Tank Mundus Stone

Mundus Stones provide additional benefits and are found throughout the world of The Elder Scrolls Online, including in player houses. Collect one as soon as possible for free benefits that enhance your character.

Main Option for Tanks

  • The Atronach: The most popular Mundus Stone for Tanks due to its significant Magicka recovery benefits.

The Atronach

Increased Magicka Recovery by 310

(7 Divines Gear) Increased Magicka Recovery by 507

Why Choose The Atronach?

  • Sustain: Magicka recovery is crucial for casting spells and using skills effectively.
  • Magicka Skills: Essential for healing, shielding, and crowd control, ensuring you protect yourself and your group.
  • Blocking Mechanics: Magicka recovery continues while blocking, unlike Stamina recovery, making it vital for sustained blocking.

Prioritizing The Atronach ensures you have the resources needed for efficient Tanking, keeping yourself and your group safe.


Atro Mundus Shadowfen


Atro Mundus Rivenspire


Atro Mundus Greenshade

ESO Tank Food & Drink

For tanking, there are a few excellent food and drink options to consider:

Tri-Stat Food

  • Crown Fortifying Meal: Increases Max Health, Magicka, and Stamina. Obtained for free from Daily Login Rewards. Usable from level 1, useful for levelling, and a good fall-back if other options are too costly.
  • Bewitched Sugar Skulls: Offers Tri-Stats and Health Recovery, making it a superior option. Recipe available during the Halloween Event (Witches Festival) or food can be bought relatively cheaply from Guild Traders, ideal until you obtain the recipe.

Sustain Drink

  • Orzorga’s Red Frothgar: Provides high Magicka Recovery and increased Max Health but reduces Max Magicka and Stamina. Great for sustain but may be challenging for those who need higher stamina and magicka pools. Not as useful with Harmony Jewellery.

Advanced Option

  • Jewels of Misrule: Best for experienced Tanks who block less, offering good Stamina Regen. Not recommended for beginners or those who block frequently, or tanks using Harmony jewellery.

Choose the food that best suits your needs and budget to enhance your tanking performance.

ESO Tank Champion Points

Champion Points (CP) are earned after reaching level 50 with your first ESO character. If you have a character with CP levels, you can apply these points to your new Tank character immediately.

While tanking at low CP levels is possible, having at least 1200 CP is recommended for Veteran content. This amount provides significant benefits, including increased stats, recoveries, and defense, which are crucial for effective tanking.

There are two types of Champion Points:

  • Slottable Champion Points: Need to be equipped on your champion bar to be active.
  • Passive Champion Points: Always active and do not need to be slotted.

To begin with, focus on 4 main Fitness and 4 Warfare passives that will help you the most, combined with all of the passive Champion Points that don’t need to be slotted.

For a detailed breakdown on champion point allocation from 160 to 2000+ CP, refer to the Tank Champion Point page to optimize your setup for tanking.

ESO Tank Gear

Flexibility in Gear
As a tank, having multiple sets of gear is crucial for flexibility in providing self-buffs, group buffs, and general trial viability. Your strength comes from class passives, Champion Points, skills, gear traits, and enchants. Many tank sets are underwhelming, emphasizing the need for sets that offer group benefits.

Importance of Group Synergy
In group content, tanks play a vital role in debuffing enemies and buffing group members. Faster enemy kills make tanking easier, reducing the need for prolonged survival and sustain. Prioritize sets that enhance group performance to make fights quicker and more manageable.

Starting Gear for Beginners
When first tanking content, use gear that enhances your sustain or survival. This helps you learn enemy mechanics, positioning, and overall survivability. As you gain experience, switch to sets that offer significant group benefits, helping your team complete content more efficiently.

Choosing the Right Sets
Each gear set has strengths and weaknesses. For example, Leeching Plate is useful in fights with many enemies but ineffective in boss fights with few targets. Start with comfortable gear and optimize your build over time.

Gear Weights
Be mindful of gear weights when selecting sets. For example:

  • Powerful Assault: This strong group buff set is Medium Armor, so it should be used on weapons and jewelry to maintain Heavy Armor benefits on your body pieces.
  • Saxhleel Champion: Activates when you use your ultimate, so it only needs to be equipped on your Ice Staff and jewelry or three other gear pieces. It does not need to be active at all times.

Monster Sets
Monster sets are obtained by completing Veteran Dungeons for Helmets and daily Undaunted Pledges for Shoulders. Each set is useful in different situations. For beginners, Engine Guardian is highly recommended for its sustain. It provides resources, helping maintain blocking and overall survivability. Long term this needs to be replaced with a more beneficial group set.


  • Multiple Sets: Essential for flexibility in self and group buffs.
  • Group Synergy: Focus on sets that benefit the group for quicker fights.
  • Beginner Gear: Start with gear that enhances sustain and survival.
  • Optimize Over Time: Switch to group-beneficial sets as you gain experience.
  • Mind Gear Weights: Combine different weights to maintain benefits.
  • Monster Sets: Engine Guardian is great for beginners due to its sustain.

ESO Tank Gear, Traits and Enchants

Gear in ESO comes in three weights: Heavy, Medium, and Light.

Armor Setup

  • Primary Gear: As a tank, you should use at least 5 pieces of Heavy Armor. This provides increased resistances, health, and sustain from Heavy Armor passives.
  • Secondary Gear: The most common setup is 5 Heavy, 1 Medium, and 1 Light piece. This 5/1/1 configuration allows you to:
    • Gain passives and bonuses from Light and Medium Armor, offering minor additional benefits.
    • Increase your max stats through the Undaunted Mettle passive.

Beginner Tank Setup
Setting up as a beginner tank will differ from a long-term setup. Focus on traits and enchants that enhance your survivability and sustain. As you progress, adjust your gear to improve your tanking capabilities further.

These are classed as ‘Big’ slots because they provide the full value of an enchant/glyph.

  • Primary Trait: Divines – Buffs your Mundus stone, enhancing magicka recovery and overall sustain.
  • Optional Trait: Sturdy or Reinforced – Use Sturdy for reduced block cost if necessary. If you’re struggling with high incoming damage, use Reinforced to increase resistances. Ensure resistances do not exceed the cap of 33,100 when fully buffed.

Best Enchant: Prismatic Defense/Tri-Stat
These enchants boost health, stamina, and magicka but can be expensive. For beginners, use single stat enchants. On the big slots, prioritize stamina enchants if you have all attributes allocated to health.

These are classed as “Small” slots because the enchant values on these slots are significantly smaller than those on “Big” armor slots.

Primary Trait: Divines – Buffs your Mundus stone, enhancing magicka recovery and overall sustain.

Enchants – Since these are small enchants, you can use either Stamina or Magicka enchants to balance your stats, especially if you have all attribute points allocated to health. Eventually, aim for Tri-Stat enchants on all slots. Until then, focus on reaching the suggested stats from the Attributes section by using single stat enchants.

Shields are classed as a “Big” slot, similar to Chest, Legs, and Helmets. Note that the benefits of the shield and its enchant are only active on the bar where the shield is equipped.

Primary Traits

  • Divines: Enhances your Mundus stone benefits.
  • Sturdy: Reduces block cost, useful for blocking on your main bar.
  • Reinforced: Increases resistances, useful for blocking big damage hits.
  • Well-Fitted: Reduces roll dodge and sprint cost while on that bar.


  • Stamina: Ideal for a big gear slot, enhancing your sustain.
  • Tri-Stat: Recommended later for balanced max stats.

For weapons, you need to use a One-Handed Weapon on your front bar with your Shield. The type of one-handed weapon doesn’t matter, as they all perform equally when paired with a shield, unlike Dual Wield.

One-Handed Weapons have half the value of their Trait and Enchant compared to Two-Handed Weapons.

  • Decisive: Excellent for generating Ultimate faster.
  • Infused: Slightly boosts your weapon enchantment but lacks the new benefit provided by Decisive.
  • Defending: Great for increasing resistances if you’re struggling with incoming damage, have low resistances, or are low CP.

Weapon glyphs on one-handed weapons have half the value, so use them to benefit yourself. Strong group-based glyphs should be used on two-handed weapons for full value.

  • Decisive/Absorb Stamina: Gains Ultimate and extra incoming stamina.
  • Infused/Weakening: Debuffs enemies, reducing their damage.
  • Infused/Hardening: Provides a small damage shield.
  • Charged/Shock Glyph: Offers Minor Vulnerability to the group.

For the back bar weapon, use an Ice Staff. This is because the Ice Staff is essentially a tank weapon that reduces incoming damage and block cost when used.

Staves are Two-Handed Weapons and thus provide the full benefit of their traits and enchants, unlike One-Handed Weapons. Using an Infused Ice Staff with a Crusher enchant maximizes your tanking effectiveness and group support.

Key Points:

  • Avoid Tri-Focus Passive: Do not use this passive, as it makes you block with Magicka instead of Stamina, making it hard to cast abilities—especially problematic for beginners.
  • Destruction Staff Skills: Every Destruction staff skill offers significant benefits to a tank and group utility when using an Ice Staff, making it the best choice over other weapons, including a dual One-Hand and Shield setup.

Best Setup:

  • Trait: Infused
    • Enhances the power of the weapon enchantment.
  • Enchantment: Crusher
    • Provides a valuable group buff by reducing enemy resistances, and when combined with an Infused trait, the effect is even stronger.

When starting out, use jewelry with whatever trait it drops in, typically Healthy, Robust, or Arcane. These are not valuable long-term.

Best Traits

  • Harmony: Provides a significant resource recovery boost when activating a synergy. However, it’s less effective if your group doesn’t provide synergies.
  • Infused: Best for beginners as it improves sustain. Using three Infused pieces is recommended.


  • Bracing Enchants: Initially, use 1-2 Bracing enchants to reduce block cost. This is helpful as new players often block frequently.
  • Magicka Recovery: The best enchants are three Magicka Recovery enchants. These will greatly improve your ability to tank by enhancing magicka sustain for frequent skill usage.
  • Prismatic Cost Reduction: Good for experienced players who cast many skills and have high recovery to benefit from cost reduction. More useful if you frequently use short-duration stamina skills.

Recommended Setup

  • 3 Infused with 1-2 Bracing + 1-2 Magicka Recovery, or 3 Magicka Recovery.

ESO Tank Resistances & Mitigation

As a tank in ESO, reducing incoming damage and the damage dealt by bosses is crucial for survival. There are three key aspects to this: Armor/Resistances, Block Mitigation, and General Mitigation. Combining these elements is essential for staying alive as a tank.

Resistances (Armor)
Resistances, often referred to as Armor, are divided into Spell and Physical Resistances, each with sub-categories:

  • Spell Resistance: Mitigates magic attacks, including Flame, Shock, Ice, and Magic damage.
  • Physical Resistance: Mitigates physical attacks, including Disease, Poison, and Bleed damage.

The resistance cap is 33,100, equating to 50% damage mitigation. Each 660 resistances provide 1% damage mitigation. Resistances are displayed on your character information screen. At lower CP levels and with non-optimized gear, resistances are crucial. Aim for the cap in recent content where damage sources are high, but for older content, 25-30k resistances are sufficient. Sources of resistances include Major and Minor Resolve buffs, Champion Points, gear, Reinforced gear trait, and Defending weapon trait.

Block Mitigation
Block Mitigation reduces the damage from enemy attacks when you block:

  • The cap is 90%, meaning you reduce incoming damage by 90% when blocking.
  • Bleed and Damage Over Time (DoT) effects cannot be blocked and are unaffected by block mitigation.

For example, a 100,000 damage attack is reduced to 10,000 with 90% block mitigation. Typical block mitigation ranges from 70-80% for a tank using the Bracing Anchor champion point passive and heavy armor. Skills like the heavy armor skill Immovable and specific sorcerer skills can help reach the cap.

Overall Mitigation
Mitigation combines all actions to reduce damage:

  • Character Buffs and Passives: Include resistances, gear set bonuses, and champion points.
  • Enemy Debuffs: Apply debuffs to reduce enemy damage, such as Infused/Weakening, Major and Minor Maim, and Major and Minor Cowardice.
  • Uncapped Mitigation: Overall mitigation is uncapped, but stacking too high offers diminishing returns and penalties to ensure some damage is always taken.

Maximizing overall mitigation involves using block mitigation, stacking resistances, and applying buffs and debuffs. Utilize block mitigation with resistances, Minor Aegis, Major and Minor Protection, unique gear buffs, and enemy debuffs to enhance your survivability as a tank.

Combining these elements effectively is key to surviving and excelling as a tank in ESO.

ESO Tank Scribing

Scribing is a new system introduced with the Gold Road chapter, playing a crucial role in enhancing tanking abilities by providing easily accessible effects such as immobilizations, magicka pulls, and damage shields. It also offers buffs and debuffs like Major Cowardice, Major Vitality, Minor Resolve, Minor Vulnerability, and Minor Brittle, along with class-specific buffs and improved sustain.

Key Points:

  • Versatility: Scribing allows for customizable enhancements to your tank, varying with each class.
  • Requirements: You need to own the Gold Road chapter and complete the Scribing quest to access everything.
  • Components: Obtain Grimoires (base spells), Scripts (spell effects), and Ink (crafting material) to create powerful tank spells.

Scribing offers a customizable way to enhance your tanking capabilities, making it an essential tool for improving performance and adapting to different scenarios.

Tank Example Scribed Skills

Focus Script: Pull
Deals ? Magic Damage to an enemy, pulls them to you, and taunts them for 15 seconds if they are not already taunted.

Signature Script: Druid’s Resurgence
Restores 1000 Magicka and 1000 Stamina.

Affix Script: Vitality
Grants Major Vitality for 10 seconds, increasing healing received and damage shield strength by 12%.

A Magicka-costing skill that pulls enemies, taunts them, and returns resources, replacing the need for Silver Leash. This skill is beneficial for all classes, as it allows tanks to use Magicka to cast the skill, which then returns Stamina, aiding in overall sustain. Additionally, it provides a Major buff or debuff; you can choose one that suits your build’s needs. Two excellent options are Major Vitality for increased healing received and Major Cowardice to reduce enemy damage output.

Focus Script: Immobilize
Immobilizes enemies for 3 seconds

Signature Script: ?

Affix Script: ?

An accessible potential immobilization skill which is available for all classes. The primary focus is on its AoE, 360-degree immobilization, opening up new crowd control opportunities for classes that previously lacked this option. The other scripts used on this skill can vary depending on what your build is missing, allowing you to customize it to fit your specific needs.

Focus Script: Immobilize
Immobilizes enemies for 3 seconds.

Signature Script: Gladiator’s Tenacity
Reduces damage taken by 8% for 8 seconds.

Affix Script: Minor Breach
Afflicts Minor Breach for 22 seconds, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by 2974.

Another accessible potential immobilization skill which is available for all classes. The primary focus is on its AoE, 360-degree immobilization, but can also provide some useful damage reduction plus another effect.

Types of Tanking

In ESO, tanks can be categorized into several types based on their roles and the content they focus on:

General Tank:
Focuses on 4-player content, arenas, and general activities like pledges and daily content.

Main Tank:
Takes on the primary role in 12-player trials, maintaining aggro on the main boss and handling the primary threats.

Off Tank:
Assists the Main Tank in trials, taunting additional enemies, stacking add pulls, and providing additional group support. They may trade taunts with the Main Tank or handle separate bosses in multi-boss trials.

Hybrid Tank:
Capable of tanking enemies while also dealing damage. Commonly used in overland content, questing, delves, and sometimes as an Off Tank in older trials or dungeons with minimal damage and mechanics.

Each tank type has its unique responsibilities and is essential for different aspects of the game. Understanding these roles helps optimize your tanking strategy in various ESO activities.

Taunting & Aggro

Taunting is the primary focus of tanks in The Elder Scrolls Online and the main method of forcing enemies to target and attack you, also known as having “Aggro.”

Key Points About Taunting:

  • Skills: Achieved using specific skills that trigger a taunt on an enemy.
  • Duration: Taunts last for 15 seconds, requiring regular refreshing to maintain aggro.
  • Individual Taunts: Each enemy needs to be taunted individually. Area taunting or taunting multiple enemies with one skill or button press is not possible.
  • Simplicity: Unlike many other MMORPGs, ESO tanks don’t have to manage threat levels. Simply taunting and refreshing the taunt every 15 seconds keeps enemies focused on you.
  • Consequences: Losing the taunt means enemies will target other group members until re-taunted.

Taunting is the most important tank responsibility, so understanding and mastering it is crucial before getting started.

There are multiple ways to apply taunt to an enemy in ESO, including melee taunts, ranged taunts, and chain taunts. These taunts can cost either stamina or magicka and are fundamental for maintaining aggro on enemies.

Common Taunts:

  • Pierce Armor: A melee-range, stamina-costing taunt from the One Hand and Shield skill line. This skill not only taunts but also debuffs enemies, making them take more damage.
  • Frost Clench: A 28-meter range, magicka-costing taunt from the Destruction Staff skill line. It taunts enemies and reduces their damage output.

Both Pierce Armor and Frost Clench have a 15-second duration, forcing the enemy to focus their attacks on you for the duration.

Chain Taunts:
Chain taunts are primarily used to pull ranged enemies into a stack with other enemies. While their main function is to pull enemies, they also apply a taunt. However, they only taunt untaunted enemies and cannot refresh an existing taunt until it expires, which can be risky. These taunts also last for 15 seconds.

Examples of Chain Taunts:

  • Silver Leash: A stamina-costing chain taunt.
  • Unrelenting Grip (Dragonknights): A magicka-costing chain taunt.
  • Beckoning Armor (Necromancers): A magicka-costing chain taunt.
  • Swarm Mother Monster Set: Provides a chain taunt effect.

Other Taunts:

  • Inner Fire: A magicka-costing ranged taunt from the Undaunted skill line, useful for taunting enemies at a distance.
  • Runic Sunder (Arcanists): A taunt skill unique to the Arcanist class.
  • Tormentor (Gear Set): Taunts enemies when you deal damage with a charge, leap, teleport, or pull ability.

What is Over Taunting?
Over taunting occurs when multiple players taunt the same enemy too frequently within a short period, causing the enemy to become taunt immune.

Mechanics of Over Taunting:

  • Taunt Immunity Threshold: Enemies become taunt immune after being taunted 5 times between two unique targets.
  • Debuff Indicators: When you taunt an enemy, an additional debuff now appears to show how many times the target has been taunted by another source. This visual cue helps track taunt applications and avoid reaching taunt immunity.
  • Taunt Stack Counter: The duration of the taunt stack counter is 7 seconds. This means the taunt stacks fall off after 7 seconds, giving more breathing room in multi-boss encounters.

Effects of Over-Taunting:

  • Taunt Immunity Duration: Taunt immunity lasts for 7 seconds, aligning with the taunt stack counter duration. This synchronization helps you know how long the target will be taunt immune.
  • Visual Cues: The taunt counter is now visible but it was previously a hidden mechanic.
  • Natural Taunt Immunity: Some targets are naturally immune to taunts due to their own effects and mechanics. These targets will not display the taunt immunity icon.

Using the In-Game Buff & Debuff Tracker
To track your taunt on enemies efficiently, follow these steps:

Options > Combat > Buffs & Debuffs > ALL – Always Show > TARGET DEBUFFS – On > FROM OTHERS – Off

  • When you taunt an enemy, look at the top of your screen.
  • Focus on the enemy you are targeting with your middle cursor and look at the health bar at the top of the UI.
  • Debuffs will be displayed beneath the health bar, showing the debuffs you have applied and their remaining duration, including taunt.

Screenshot 3

For single bosses, enable Ability Bar Timers to track your taunt skills easily:

Options > Combat > Ability Bar Timers - On

  • Watch the timers on your taunt skills.
  • Refresh your taunt skill once the timer is almost expired to maintain aggro.

For PC players, addons such as Untaunted and Srendarr can significantly enhance taunt tracking. These addons allow you to customize and move tracking interfaces, enabling you to monitor your taunts on multiple targets effectively.

When dealing with multiple targets stacked in a small area, taunting the right enemy can be challenging. The best way to focus on specific targets is by using tab targeting.

How to Use Tab Targeting

  • On PC: Point your cursor at the enemy and press Tab.
  • On Console: Point your cursor at the enemy and press in the right analogue stick (R3).

When you tab target an enemy, they get a white highlight around them, making them easier to see. This also helps focus most of your skills towards the selected enemy.

Benefits of Tab Targeting

  • Priority Targeting: Tab targeting is particularly useful for focusing on priority enemies in add pulls, ensuring you gain taunt more easily without other enemies blocking your view.
  • Increased Accuracy: While not 100% reliable, tab targeting significantly increases the accuracy of your taunts and skills.

Turning Off Tab Targeting
To turn off a tab target:

  • Perform the same action (press Tab or R3) while facing away from the enemy. This can be necessary if you’ve tab-targeted an enemy but need to taunt additional adds that spawn during a boss fight.

Taunt Priority

Determining Taunt Priority
One of the tricky parts of tanking is figuring out which enemies to taunt first. The health bars help identify priority targets, with stronger enemies indicated by specific health bar features.

ESO Health Bars

Regular Enemies

  • No Taunt Needed: Regular enemies often don’t need to be taunted. They can usually be controlled with crowd control (CC) abilities, and your group can kill them with area damage.
  • Crowd Control: Use CC on regular enemies instead of wasting taunts. Only taunt them if necessary after handling higher-priority targets.

Elite Enemies

  • Visual Indicators: Elite enemies have extra markers on their health bars, indicating they are stronger.
  • High Priority: These are your main taunt priority as they can easily kill group members. They are often mixed with regular enemies and can be found in the middle of larger pulls. Taunt them as soon as possible.


  • Boss Indicators: Bosses have an Elite-style health bar and an additional health bar on the compass at the top of your screen.
  • Highest Priority: Maintaining aggro on bosses is crucial as they can cause significant damage to unprepared group members. Always prioritize taunting bosses.

General Taunt Rule
Follow this priority order when deciding which enemies to taunt:

  1. Bosses
  2. Elite Enemies
  3. Melee 2-Handed Regular Enemies
  4. Other Regular Melee Enemies
  5. Regular Ranged Enemies

By adhering to this priority, you ensure that the most dangerous threats are controlled, keeping your group safe and effective in combat.

ESO Tank Blocking

Blocking is one of the most crucial survival tools in ESO, but many tanks struggle to fully understand how to block effectively. Here’s a detailed guide to help you master this essential skill:

Key Points About Blocking:

  1. Stamina Cost: Blocking costs Stamina. While blocking, you cannot gain Stamina via regeneration, as it is turned off.
    • Exception: Using an Ice Staff with the Tri-Focus passive allows you to block with Magicka, but this turns off Magicka recovery, which is problematic since most tank skills cost Magicka. Therefore, using Tri-Focus is not recommended.
  2. Block Mitigation: When blocking, you instantly reduce incoming damage by 50%. You also gain the benefit of Block Mitigation, which can be stacked up to a maximum of 90%. At this cap, you only receive 10% of the incoming damage.
    • Bar Swapping: You can safely maintain block while bar swapping, making it easier to maintain skill uptime and manage damage.
  3. Avoid Over-Blocking: One common mistake, especially for beginners, is blocking too much. Perma-blocking leads to sustain issues, as you will eventually run out of Stamina and be unable to block when needed.
  4. Block Cost: Aim for a block cost of around 1000 Stamina per hit. Lowering this further is possible but not significantly beneficial beyond 900, as it requires more effort and sacrifices within your build.
    • Reduction Methods: Use 1 or 2 Bracing enchants on your jewellery to reduce block cost until you are comfortable with blocking. Be aware of diminishing returns when stacking block cost reduction.
  5. Damage Over Time: Damage Over Time and Bleed Damage cannot be blocked, so blocking and block mitigation do nothing to reduce the incoming damage of either of these effects.

Sustaining Blocking:

  1. Selective Blocking: You do not need to block every single hit. Focus on blocking heavy attacks and mechanic attacks. Other damage can be mitigated through resistances, healing, damage shields, and debuffing enemies.
  2. Intermittent Blocking: For tanks accustomed to perma-blocking, try dropping block intentionally for a few seconds and then re-blocking. This method reduces Stamina loss and maintains a sense of safety.
  3. Stamina Regeneration Methods:
    • Potions and Passives: Use potions and class passives to regenerate Stamina.
    • Synergies: Activate synergies to return resources. Using Harmony jewellery increases the benefits.
    • Skills: Certain skills, like Dragonknight’s Igneous Shield, can return Stamina when cast. All classes can also use the scribing system to regain Stamina.

Best Practices for Blocking:

  • Learn Fight Mechanics: Understand when to block big attacks and when it’s safe to drop block.
  • Build Optimization: Include high resistances, self-buffs, and enemy debuffs in your build to reduce incoming damage and sustain blocking.
  • Utilize Skills and Synergies: Make use of available skills, potions, and synergies to manage resources effectively.

ESO Tank Enemy Positioning

Positioning enemies is an integral part of ESO tanking, but there isn’t a common method that applies to all situations. However, a few simple rules can help guide your positioning.

Add Pulls: Add pulls are usually positioned slightly in front of their starting location. As you approach the adds, let them move a bit towards you so the ranged enemies come within range of your chain skills and Void Bash proc (if using it). If you are using Void Bash, do not activate it immediately when entering an add pull. Instead, place Elemental Blockade to start the enemies moving, drop Razor Caltrops in front to slow them, circle around the first enemy, and then proc Void Bash. This ensures that almost all enemies within 12 meters are pulled in. The goal in add pulls is to gather all enemies into a stack and hold them still for your damage dealers to quickly eliminate with AoE attacks. Turn enemies away from your group to prevent cleave attacks from hitting them.

Boss Fights: For bosses, positioning depends on the type of boss and the mechanics involved:

  • Stationary Bosses: Hold them where they are.
  • Teleporting Bosses: Follow them around the room.
  • Positioning: Generally, tank bosses either at the edge of the room or in the center.
    • Center Positioning: Used when the area is open and mechanics or adds spawn throughout the fight.
    • Edge Positioning: Used when bosses drop AoEs or fill the room with effects, moving to the edge provides more space for your group.

As a general rule, taunt the boss, keep it in the middle of the room, and turn it away from the group. This strategy works for most bosses in ESO.

Turning Enemies Away: Turning enemies away from the group is crucial because bosses often perform cleave attacks that hit the area in front of them or drop AoEs and damage under the tank. Damage dealers should stand behind the boss or away from the tank to avoid these effects. Avoid moving bosses unnecessarily, as it causes significant damage losses. Many damage dealer abilities and ultimates are ground-based, so moving the boss can pull them out of these effects, slowing down the kill and worsening sustain for your damage dealers as they have to recast their abilities and potentially waste ultimates.

ESO Tank Survival

Tank survival is crucial in every aspect of the game. A dead tank often leads to a dead group, making it nearly impossible to clear content and defeat bosses if the tank cannot stay alive.

Key Tips for Tank Survival:

  1. Sustain: One of the most common reasons for tank deaths is a lack of sustain, preventing them from blocking effectively. Ensure you have enough resources to maintain block and use your skills.
  2. Self Buffs and Debuffs: Use self buffs to reduce incoming damage and apply debuffs to enemies to lower their damage output. Incorporate self-healing and damage shields to enhance your survivability.
  3. Learn Patterns: With experience, you will notice patterns in enemy movements, abilities, damage, and mechanics. Experience is key to effective tanking.
  4. High Resistances and Health: When learning a fight for the first time, prioritize high resistances and health, and use gear you are comfortable with. This ensures survival as you familiarize yourself with the encounter.
  5. Adapt and Improve: Once you gain experience and understand the fight, transition to a more group-oriented setup that benefits the entire team.

For specific advice on boss fights or mechanics, join The Tank Club Discord, where you can get personalized help from other tanks. Additionally, watch TC_Lee13 on Twitch for regular Dungeon, Trial, and Arena tanking streams, where you can see expert tanking in action and ask questions

Blocking is absolutely critical for survival as a tank in ESO. It may sound simple, but mastering the art of blocking can make the difference between life and death for you and your group. See more in the Blocking section.

Block casting is an essential skill for tanks in ESO, especially in Veteran content. It allows you to cast most of your abilities while maintaining your block, ensuring you stay protected even while using skills.

Key Points About Block Casting:

  • Casting While Blocking: You can cast most abilities while holding the block button. Your character may appear to drop the block during the animation, but you are still blocking.
  • Safety: Block casting is the safest option, significantly reducing the damage you take during combat.

Abilities Safe to Block Cast:

  • Taunts
  • Heals
  • Crowd Control Abilities


  • Channel or Cast Time Abilities: Some abilities force you to drop block. These include abilities with a channel or cast time, such as:
    • Stone Giant
    • Dark Deal
    • Certain Scribing Skills

Timing your potions, especially health or tri-stat potions, is crucial for effective tanking. They provide a quick burst of health if you get hit by something unexpected.

Key Considerations:

  • Emergency Use: Decide if you want your potion as an emergency resource/heal tool. This approach is beneficial when learning new content, providing a safety net when you face unfamiliar threats.
  • Active Recovery: Using potions regularly for their recovery benefits ensures continuous resource management, enhancing your overall sustain.

Best Practices:

  • Emergency Reserve: Save potions for critical moments, activating them when needed to recover from unexpected damage. This strategy is especially useful in challenging or unfamiliar content.
  • Regular Use: Carry and use potions actively to benefit from their recovery effects. Not using potions can have a detrimental effect on your performance, as you miss out on vital resources and health boosts.

Buffing yourself is essential for managing damage and staying alive as a tank in ESO.

Key Buffs to Maintain:

  • Major Resolve and Minor Armor/Resistance Buffs: These buffs provide significant resistances and reduce incoming damage. Always strive to keep these active.

Additional Buffs:

  • Minor Protection: Slot Temporal Guard from the Psijic Order skill line to reduce incoming damage by 5%.
  • Major Protection: Slot Revealing Flare to gain Major Protection, reducing incoming damage by 10%. These effects can also be gained from other sources.

Gear-Provided Buffs:

  • Minor Aegis: Wearing trial gear provides this self-buff, reducing incoming damage.
  • Unique Damage Reduction: Certain gear sets like Pearlescent Ward and Lucent Echoes offer unique damage reduction benefits.

Healing Buffs:

  • Major/Minor Vitality: Increases healing received.
  • Major/Minor Mending: Increases healing done. Utilize these to enhance your healing capabilities.

General Buffs:

  • Any buffs that boost resistances, damage reduction, damage mitigation, incoming healing, or extra resources are invaluable for tanking.

Debuffing enemies is an effective way to reduce the damage they deal, thereby improving your survivability as a tank.

Key Debuffing Techniques:

  • Frost Staff and Destructive Clench:
    • Taunt and Major Maim: Using Destructive Clench with a Frost Staff taunts the enemy and applies Major Maim, reducing their damage by 10%.
    • Chilled Effect: This skill also guarantees the Chilled effect, which applies Minor Maim, reducing the enemy’s damage by an additional 5%. Combined, this results in a total damage reduction of 15%.
  • Major and Minor Cowardice:
    • Weapon and Spell Damage Reduction: These debuffs lower the enemy’s weapon and spell damage. The scribing system has made these debuffs more accessible, allowing you to reduce enemy damage output significantly.
  • Infused Weapon with Weakening Glyph:
    • Damage Reduction: An Infused weapon with a Weakening glyph reduces the enemy’s damage. This debuff is often applied by a healer, but if it isn’t, use it on your one-handed weapon to ensure the enemy’s damage is minimized.

By effectively debuffing enemies, you can substantially reduce the damage they deal, making it easier to manage incoming damage and keep yourself and your group safe.

Building up your resistances is fundamental to reducing incoming damage and surviving as a tank in ESO. Here are the key points to remember:

Resistance Cap: The maximum benefit you can gain from resistances in PvE content is 33,100. Always aim to reach this cap to maximize your damage mitigation.

Importance: High resistances significantly reduce the amount of damage you take, making it easier to survive encounters, especially in challenging content.

Ways to Increase Resistances:

  • Major and Minor Resolve: Utilize skills that provide these buffs to boost your resistances.
  • Champion Points: Allocate points to Resistance-buffing nodes.
  • Race and Gear: If you are still under the resistance cap, consider:
    • Using the Nord race for its resistance bonuses.
    • Equipping Reinforced gear to boost resistances.
    • Using a Defending One-Handed Weapon to increase resistances.

Self-healing is often necessary, especially in dungeon groups without a healer or with an inexperienced or dead healer. There are several methods to heal yourself as a tank:

1. Burst Healing

  • Definition: Provides a large heal in a short amount of time, crucial for recovering from big hits.
  • Example: Dragonknight’s Dragon Blood, which scales with your max health, making it more effective with higher health pools.
  • Usage: Save for moments of high incoming damage. It’s expensive to recast frequently, so use it wisely.
  • Boosting Effectiveness: Combine with healing buffs like Igneous Shield to enhance healing via Major Mending, making burst heals even more potent.
  • Critical Heals: Burst heals can also critically heal, providing extra healing on top of the initial amount.

2. Healing over Time (HoT)

  • Definition: Provides small, continuous heals over an extended period.
  • Example: Dragonknight’s Cinder Storm offers sustained healing over 15 seconds.
  • Usage: Ideal for mitigating small, regular damage. It helps sustain health without consuming too many resources.
  • Additional Tools: Consider using the Engine Guardian Monster Set for extra healing over time.

3. Health Recovery

  • Definition: A character stat that automatically restores health every 2 seconds.
  • Sources:
    • Class passives and Heavy Armor passives.
    • Minor Fortitude and Potions providing Major Fortitude.
    • Bewitched Sugar Skulls food.
    • Strategic Reserve Champion Points.
  • Effectiveness: Typically provides around 1k Health Recovery, equivalent to 500 healing per second. While not substantial for high health pools (e.g. 40k health), it adds up over long fights.

4. Damage Shields

  • Definition: Shields absorb damage, protecting your health bar.
  • Usage: Use damage shields to mitigate incoming damage, making them vital for survival.
  • Example: Igneous Shield provides a strong damage shield that can drastically improve survivability.

General Tips for Effective Self-Healing:

  • High Magicka Recovery: Ensure you have a high magicka recovery to sustain healing and other magicka-based skills.
  • Combination of Healing Methods: Use a combination of burst healing, healing over time, and damage shields to cover different damage scenarios.
  • Healing Buffs: Utilize buffs like Major and Minor Vitality (for increased healing received) and Major and Minor Mending (for increased healing done).

By incorporating these self-healing techniques and understanding when to use each method, you can significantly enhance your tank’s survivability in ESO.

Roll dodging is a crucial but often underused technique among new players. It can be expensive in terms of stamina, but its benefits for survival are significant.

How Roll Dodge Works:

  • Evade Damage: When you roll dodge, you evade damage for the next 2 seconds from any attack that isn’t a locked-in channeled attack.
  • Channeled Attacks: Certain attacks, such as Dark Barrage from Rakkhat in Maw of Lorkhaj or Nocturnal’s Favour from Z’Maja in Cloudrest, are fixed on you and cannot be avoided by roll dodging.

When to Use Roll Dodge:

  • Majority of Attacks: Most attacks in the game are not locked onto you and can be evaded with a roll dodge.
  • Critical Situations: Use roll dodge in critical situations, such as after taking a big hit or when overwhelmed, to evade damage and buy time to heal or escape.
  • Instant Reaction: Develop the habit of instantly reacting with a roll dodge to evade damage for a few seconds, ensuring your survival.

By incorporating roll dodging into your defensive tactics, you can effectively avoid damage and improve your chances of survival in challenging encounters.

ESO Tank Sustain

Sustain is one of the hardest aspects of tanking in ESO. If you cannot sustain, you cannot block, use skills, or perform your tank duties effectively.

Common Sustain Issues:

  • Lack of Stamina: Running out of stamina means you cannot block, leading to increased damage intake and potential death.
  • Magicka Burnout: Using many magicka-based skills without proper recovery leads to being unable to heal or use defensive abilities after taking a big hit.
  • Cooldown Management: Refreshing skills too early uses resources unnecessarily when the skill and its effect are still active, leading to wasted resources.

Impact of Sustain Failure:

  • Tank Death: The main reason tanks die is due to sustain issues. It might appear that more healing is needed or a mechanic was mishandled, but often the root cause is running out of resources, leading to an inability to block or heal effectively.

By focusing on these sustain strategies, you can ensure you remain effective in your role as a tank, maintaining your ability to block, use skills, and support your group throughout encounters.

Tank Sustaining Guide

Sustain Methods:

  • Heavy After a Heavy: Heavy Attacking is crucial for sustain. Always time your Heavy Attack immediately after a boss’s Heavy Attack as bosses rarely ever perform back-to-back heavy attacks. Use this window of opportunity to help regenerate resources.
  • Block LESS: Blocking constantly drains stamina. Learn fights to know when it’s safe to drop block. Having high resistances, damage mitigation, AoE self healing and healing support from a healer can make this easier.
  • Use Potions: Use potions frequently for resource recovery.
  • Use Synergies: Utilize synergies for resource boosts. The Undaunted Command passive provides resources from every synergy used. Focus on Orb and Shard synergies for significant resource boosts.
  • Lower Your Block Cost: Use Bracing Enchants, use Tireless Guardian CP, and wear some Medium Armor pieces to reduce the stamina cost for blocking, easing overall sustain.
  • Skills and Passives: Many skills and passives aid in sustain. Refer to specific tank builds for comprehensive lists of useful skills and passives.
  • Don’t Overcast Abilities: Avoid recasting abilities too soon; let them run their full duration to conserve resources.
  • Increase Magicka Recovery: Higher magicka recovery helps sustain most tank abilities.
  • Using Your Ultimate (Dragonknight): Frequently use Warhorn in group content to boost group DPS and restore your resources.
  • Use Sustain Gear: Start with sustain-focused gear while learning. The Engine Guardian set is highly recommended.
  • Jewellery Traits: Harmony jewellery greatly improves sustain in synergy-rich groups. If Harmony isn’t viable, Infused is the next best option.
  • Jewellery Enchants: Use Magicka Recovery enchants for improved sustain or Tri-Cost Reduction enchants if you use frequent stamina abilities. Ensure you have enough recovery to support cost reduction.
  • Gear Traits: Divines gear buffs your Mundus Stone (usually The Atronach) for extra recovery.
  • Food & Drink: Use food and drinks with recovery, especially magicka recovery. Note that this may lower max stamina and magicka stats.
  • Buffs: Utilize skills providing Minor Intellect, Fortitude, and Endurance. Potions can offer the major versions of these buffs.
  • Slottable Sustain: Slot any Support skills (especially Barrier) with the Magicka Aid passive for a huge magicka recovery boost. Arcanists can use Gibbering Shield for an additional recovery benefit of the Wellspring of the Abyss passive.
  • Scribing: All classes can use a “spammable” magicka skill that returns stamina. For example, Wield Soul with Signature Script Druid’s Resurgence restores 1000 magicka and 1000 stamina. Stack magicka recovery and use Wield Soul to sustain blocking more easily.

By implementing these strategies and tips, you can maintain optimal resource sustain, ensuring you can perform all necessary tank duties effectively.

Heavy After A Heavy

Heavy Attacking is a tool for sustain. Follow these guidelines for effective use:

  • Always perform a Heavy Attack immediately after a boss has Heavy Attacked you. Bosses are extremely unlikely to perform back-to-back Heavy Attacks.
  • Consistently practice this timing throughout entire fights, not just when you’re low on resources.
  • Heavy Attacking with a One Hand and Shield restores 2293 Stamina as a base value.
  • Heavy Attacking with an Ice Staff restores 2425 Magicka.
  • The recovery amount is amplified by 4% per piece of Heavy Armor worn, thanks to the Revitalize passive.

By mastering the “Heavy After a Heavy” tactic, you can significantly improve your resource sustain, ensuring you have the stamina and magicka needed to perform your tanking duties effectively.

ESO Tank Buffs and Debuffs

Buffing and debuffing are among the most critical responsibilities you’ll have as a tank. Once you’re comfortable with maintaining aggro, positioning, sustaining, and surviving, you can start focusing on these advanced techniques. Effective use of buffs and debuffs can provide significant boosts to your group and make you an invaluable tank.

Major/Minor Breach:

  • Skill: Pierce Armor (morph of Puncture).
  • Effect: Inflicts Major and Minor Breach, reducing the enemy’s resistances by 5948 and 2974 respectively.
  • Duration: Recast every 15 seconds (ideally every 13-14 seconds to avoid downtime).
  • Purpose: Makes the enemy easier to kill by lowering their resistances while maintaining your taunt.

Major Resolve (and Minor Resolve):

  • Skill: Hardened Armor (for Dragonknights) or similar skills for other classes.
  • Effect: Increases your resistances by 5948, reducing damage taken.
  • Duration: Recast every 20 seconds.
  • Note: Useful up to the resistance cap of 33,000.

Major & Minor Maim:

  • Skill: Destructive Clench (Frost Clench) with an Ice Staff.
  • Effect: Taunts the enemy, applies Major Maim for 5 seconds, and procs the Chilled effect, which provides Minor Maim and Minor Brittle.
  • Benefit: Reduces enemy damage by 15% and increases their received critical damage by 10%.

Crusher Enchantment:

  • Weapon: Infused Ice Staff with a Crusher enchantment.
  • Effect: Reduces enemy resistances by 2108 for 4 seconds.
  • Application: Maintain by casting Elemental Blockade every 15 seconds, ensuring the enemy stands at the starting point of the Blockade.
  • Combined Debuffs: With Major and Minor Breach from Pierce Armor, you can reduce a total of 11,030 resistances from the enemy.

Maintaining Buffs and Debuffs:

  1. Pierce Armor every 15 seconds for Major and Minor Breach.
  2. Hardened Armor or equivalent skill every 20 seconds for Major Resolve.
  3. Frost Clench every 5-15 seconds for Major and Minor Maim and Minor Brittle.
  4. Elemental Blockade every 15 seconds to maintain Crusher debuff.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice: Consistently practice maintaining these buffs and debuffs until it becomes second nature.
  • Timing: Make sure you time the recasts appropriately to avoid downtime and ensure continuous application of buffs and debuffs.
  • Positioning: Position yourself and the enemy correctly to maximize the effectiveness of your debuffs.

By mastering these buffs and debuffs, you can significantly enhance your group’s effectiveness and make challenging encounters more manageable.



  • Major Breach – Reduces Physical and Spell Resistance by 5948.
  • Minor Breach – Reduces Physical and Spell Resistance by 2974.
  • Minor Brittle – Increases Critical Damage taken by 10%.
  • Major Cowardice – Reduces Weapon Damage and Spell Damage by 430.
  • Minor Cowardice – Reduces Weapon Damage and Spell Damage by 215.
  • Major Maim – Reduces damage done by 10%.
  • Minor Maim – Reduces damage done by 5%.
  • Minor Mangle – Reduces Maximum Health by 10%.
  • Major Vulnerability – Increases Damage Taken by 10%.
  • Minor Vulnerability – Increases Damage Taken by 5%.
  • Stagger – Increases damage taken by 65 per stack for 5 seconds.
  • Infused Crusher – Reduces the target’s Physical and Spell Resistance by 2108.
  • Engulfing Flames – Affected enemies take more damage from all Flame Damage attacks based on your Weapon and Spell Damage, with a maximum of 6% bonus damage taken.
  • Alkosh Armor Shred – Reduces the Physical and Spell Resistance of any enemy hit by the amount of your Weapon Damage for the duration, up to a maximum of 6000.
  • Crimson Oath Armor Shred – Reduces the Armor of nearby enemies within 12 meters by 3541 for 15 seconds.
  • Tremorscale Armor Shred – Dealing Physical damage to all enemies within 4 meters and reducing their Armor for 15 seconds.

Class Specific Buffs / Debuffs

Every class has their own specific buff / debuff that can be required for optimal group performance depending on your composition:


Before engaging in combat, always pre-buff with abilities like Major & Minor Resolve to increase resistances and mitigate initial hits. Precast Blood Altar for area healing for the group if you use it. For delayed spawning bosses, set up Elemental Blockade, Razor Caltrops and other AoE abilities in the spawn area to start applying effects immediately once the fight begins.

Tanking Add Pulls

In The Elder Scrolls Online, AoE Taunting isn’t an option, so the main focus during add pulls is on Crowd Controlling rather than taunting. Understanding how different effects interact is crucial for effective add management. Add pulls typically consist of regular enemies that can be pulled or chained together and then controlled with snares and immobilizations. Using the Void Bash Set (Vateshran One Hand & Shield) can significantly improve this process, pulling enemies within 12 meters with one button press, leaving only a few to be manually chained.

Key Points:

  • Chaining and Pulling: Skills like chains or pulls gather enemies into one spot.
  • Snaring: Reduces enemy movement speed.
  • Immobilizing: Holds enemies in place for a period.
  • Stun and Fear: Ineffective on recently chained/pulled enemies.
  • Scribing System: Provides immobilization for classes without built-in options.

The primary advantage of this method is its universality: it works for every class, though some may need specific skills or the scribing system for immobilization.

General Add Pull Rotation:

  1. Scan for Elite Enemies: Identify any Elite enemies that need immediate taunting (especially 2-handed enemies).
  2. Initiate Combat: Start with Elemental Blockade to cause enemies to run towards you.
  3. Place Razor Caltrops: Place this on the ground in front of the enemies, in the path they will walk towards the group. This snares the enemies, slowing them down and debuffing them with Major Breach.
  4. Use Power Slam to Proc Void Bash or Chain/Pull Enemies: Gather enemies in a stack on top of the Caltrops/Blockade, Void Bash also applies Major Maim.
  5. Immobilize Enemies: Use your immobilization skill to keep enemies rooted in the stack.
  6. Apply Debuffs: Use Pulsar (Frost Staff) twice while enemies are inside the Blockade to apply Minor Breach, Minor Maim, Minor Brittle, Minor Protection, and Minor Mangle.
  7. Taunt Remaining Enemies: Taunt anything that isn’t dead.

By following this rotation, you can effectively control and manage add pulls, making it easier for damage dealers to quickly eliminate grouped enemies while applying strong debuffs to them. This strategy enhances the overall efficiency and survivability of your group and can be executed by any class with the correct skills and scribing abilities..

Tanking Bosses

Boss fights in ESO vary greatly, so it’s challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all strategy. However, understanding and adapting to general principles and specific mechanics will significantly improve your tanking performance. Here are some detailed guidelines to help you tank effectively during boss encounters:

General Rules:

  • Taunt Management: Maintain taunt on the boss by reapplying every 14 seconds to ensure you hold aggro.
  • Positioning: Turn bosses away from your group to prevent them from hitting allies with frontal attacks. Avoid moving bosses unnecessarily to maximize your group’s damage output.
  • Fundamentals: Keep taunting, blocking, sustaining, and surviving as your top priorities.
  • Boss Observation: Watch for interruptible attacks, channels, mechanics and effects.
  • Damage Mitigation: Roll dodge heavy attacks or big hits to avoid taking damage. Roll dodging can also save you from follow-up attacks when you’re low on health.

Common Boss Mechanics:

  • Heavy Attacks: Block or dodge to avoid significant damage.
  • Bosses with Adds: Chain in adds to the boss while maintaining control.
  • Light Attacks: Can be blocked, absorbed with a shield, or sometimes ignored.
  • AoE Attacks: Move out of these to avoid damage.
  • DoT Attacks: Require healing over time and good mitigation.
  • Projectile Attacks: Use a shield skill and block to mitigate damage.
  • Interruptible Attacks: Bash the boss to interrupt these attacks.
  • Negative Effects: Purge if possible or prepare for a heal check.
  • Fear Mechanics: Avoid looking at the boss to prevent being feared.
  • Persistent AoEs: Move out of these and reposition the boss if necessary.
  • Hide Mechanics: Hide behind pillars or other objects as required.
  • Kite Mechanics: Move around to avoid being hit.
  • Multi-hit or Quick Swipes: Ensure you have enough stamina to block or dodge.
  • Debuff Mechanics: Utilize survival techniques to mitigate increased damage.
  • Avoid Group Members: Steer clear of allies affected by beams or AoEs to prevent spreading or causing additional damage.
  • Heal Check Mechanics: Prepare for heavy damage in a short time requiring significant healing.
  • Boss Swapping Mechanics (Trials Only): Coordinate with the off-tank to switch bosses as needed.
  • Portal Mechanics (Trials Usually): Enter portals and handle mechanics inside, sometimes requiring a tank.

Testing Your Tanking Capabilities

To test and improve your tanking skills, consider the following methods:

Buff Maintenance Practice:

  • Asylum Sanctorum Trial: Travel to the Asylum Sanctorum trial (Normal or Veteran). Head to the main boss, Saint Olms, and press the two buttons on the left and right to activate AS+2.
  • Tip: Bring a friend to stand behind you to kite the lightning pools spat by Olms. Without a friend, the pools will land on you.
  • Benefit: This setup allows you to practice maintaining your buffs and debuffs while dealing with boss mechanics in a challenging environment.

Sustain and Survival Practice:

  • Trial Entrance: Run into any trial entrance with a lot of adds and enemies. Alternatively, try Blackrose Prison for a comprehensive challenge.
  • Blackrose Prison: This environment requires various aspects of tanking, providing a good test of your sustain and survival abilities.

General Tips:

  • Understand Fundamentals: Grasp the core principles of tanking, including aggro management, positioning, sustain, and survival.
  • Learn Content Mechanics: Familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the content you’re tanking.
  • Experience and Practice: Learn from your deaths and mistakes. Repeatedly running content helps build experience and understanding, making you a better tank over time.

By practicing in these environments and continuously improving your skills, you can enhance your tanking capabilities and become more effective in various challenging situations.

Tanking Content & Progression

With all the fundamental information provided, you now have the basics of tanking down. It’s time to dive into actual content and put your skills to the test. We’ve compiled a list of content for you to practice tanking, helping you build confidence and experience before tackling more challenging encounters.

Normal Dungeons / Random Normal Dungeons (Any level)

With all the fundamental information provided, you now have the basics of tanking down. It’s time to dive into actual content and put your skills to the test. We’ve compiled a list of content for you to practice tanking, helping you build confidence and experience before tackling more challenging encounters.

Normal Dungeons / Random Normal Dungeons (Any level)

Start with normal dungeons, as these are easy enough to be completed without a dedicated tank. This makes them ideal for familiarizing yourself with dungeon layouts, your character, and basic tanking mechanics. While you won’t get the full tanking experience, use this opportunity to farm useful tank gear, focusing on the sets listed in our Tank Gear Guide.

Dungeons to look out for

Crypt of HeartsEbon Armory

Vaults of MadnessThe Worm’s Raiment

Black Drake Villa (DLC) – Drake’s Rush

The Dread Cellar (DLC) – Crimson Oath’s Rive

Shipwright’s Regret (DLC) – Turning Tide

Graven Deep (DLC) – Pangrit Denmother

None-DLC Veteran Dungeons & Undaunted Pledges (CP 160+)

After mastering normal dungeons, you can move on to veteran dungeons, starting with the non-DLC ones. These dungeons are more challenging than their normal counterparts but still manageable, allowing you to practice proper tanking techniques and apply many concepts from this guide. The difficulty is slightly higher, providing a better tanking experience, and you will need to begin understanding and following mechanics, especially in boss fights. This helps build good habits and improves your tanking skills. There is plenty of room for error and recovery, offering a forgiving environment to learn. Completing veteran dungeons allows you to earn extra keys from the Undaunted Pledges, important for obtaining Shoulder pieces for Monster Sets. Additionally, you’ll earn useful Monster Helmets by completing veteran dungeons, essential for your tank build. Progressing through these veteran dungeons will enhance your tanking skills and prepare you for more challenging content.

These veteran dungeons can be completed fairly easily from CP160+

Fungal Grotto I (FG1) | Fungal Grotto II (FG2) | Spindleclutch I (SC1) | Spindleclutch II (SC2) | The Banished Cells I (BC1) | The Banished Cells II (BC2) | Darkshade Caverns I (DC1) | Darkshade Caverns II (DC2) | Elden Hollow I (EH1) | Elden Hollow II (EH2) | Wayrest Sewers I (WS1) | Wayrest Sewers II (WS2) | Arx Corinium (Arx) | City of Ash I (CoA1) | City of Ash II (CoA2) | Crypt of Hearts I (CoH1) | Crypt of Hearts II (CoH2) | Direfrost Keep | Tempest Island | Volenfell | Blackheart Haven (BH) | Blessed Crucible (BC) | Selene’s Web | Vaults of Madness (VoM)

Dungeons to look out for

Spindleclutch II – Bloodspawn

Darkshade Caverns II – Engine Guardian

Volenfell – Tremorscale

Black Drake Villa (DLC) – Encratis’s Behemoth

Shipwright’s Regret (DLC) – Nazaray

Earthern Root Enclave (DLC) – Archdruid Devyric

Dragonstar Arena (CP 160+)

Dragonstar Arena (DSA) is a 4-player arena that, while incredibly easy on normal mode, is quite long. It’s worth completing to farm a valuable weapon set that enhances healing and survival, making it a great investment for many builds. Ideally, aim for the drop from the veteran version of the arena, as it provides additional benefits. If you’ve been successfully tanking veteran dungeons, you should be capable of handling veteran DSA.

Important Loot:

Puncturing Remedy Set / Master’s One Hand and Shield

Vateshran Hollows Solo Arena (CP 160+)

Before tackling Veteran DLC Dungeons and harder content, it’s wise to collect the important Void Bash set from Vateshran Hollows. The downside is that this is a solo arena requiring you to do some damage, but the plus side is you can utilize the Armory, a free housing item from the Crown Store. Place the Armory in your house to switch your entire build to a damage-focused setup, allowing you to complete Vateshran Hollows on Normal. You need about 10k DPS to do this successfully. If you’re an Arcanist or Dragonknight, use our Hybrid Tank Builds for this content. The Void Bash set is one of the best for dungeon tanking, enabling you to pull in a whole stack of adds with one button while also debuffing them. This makes add pulls faster, easier, and more sustainable, benefiting both you and your group.

Important Loot:

Void Bash / Vateshran Hollows One Hand and Shield

Normal Trials (CP 300+)

At this stage, your priority is to apply the fundamentals you have learned in trial settings. Starting with normal trials is generally fine, though newer trials can be more challenging due to complex mechanics. Many mechanics in normal trials can be ignored without severe consequences, unlike in veteran trials. This makes normal trials an excellent learning opportunity, in addition to reading guides or watching clips.

Joining guild runs is ideal for learning as they offer a supportive environment where you can ask questions and gather feedback without facing potential toxicity. Look for guilds that regularly organize trial runs. Guild runs provide a structured setting where you can gain valuable insights and advice from experienced players, which is crucial for your development as a tank.

If you opt for random trial runs, you can find groups by traveling to Craglorn, using text chat, or the social menu grouping tool. Be aware that random runs can be volatile and critical, with mistakes often met with criticism rather than support, as these runs are typically focused on gear farming. However, if you have some trial experience and knowledge, random runs can be a viable option. They can offer a variety of experiences and help you adapt to different group dynamics.

Not all trials require two tanks, but joining those that do can help you understand how to split the workload with another tank, reducing the risk to the group if you make a mistake. Learning to coordinate with another tank is essential for handling more complex mechanics and ensuring smooth progression. Pay attention to trial mechanics and try to pick up as much information as possible, as this is crucial for transitioning to veteran trials where ignoring mechanics can lead to failure.

Trials to look out for

Sunspire – Claw of Yolnahkriin

Lucent Citadel – Lucent Echoes

Dreadsail Reef – Pearlescent Ward

Rockgrove – Saxhleel Champion

Cloudrest – Vestment of Olorime

Tanking Endgame Content

There is no rush to reach the endgame of ESO. This content represents the hardest challenges in the game, often requiring weeks or months of progression and practice to complete. It can also take time to find a team willing to commit to these rigorous trials.

Endgame Content:

  • Veteran Hardmode DLC Dungeons
  • Veteran Trials
  • Hardmode Trials
  • Trifectas: Veteran dungeons and trials completed with No Death, Hardmode enabled, and within speed run time.

Reaching this level involves a long journey where you’ll need to complete each dungeon and trial initially on veteran mode, learning all the mechanics along the way. Ideally, you should do this with friends or guild members for better coordination and support.

Dungeon Content: Dungeon content is more accessible since it’s easier to find three other players interested in hardmodes and trifectas. Some DLC Dungeon Hardmodes are extremely challenging with high damage and multiple mechanics, making them excellent preparation for Veteran Hardmode Trials.

Veteran Hardmode Trials: When you are fully aware of all mechanics, comfortable with tanking, and have all the required gear and skills, you can start searching for groups recruiting a Tank for Hardmodes. Learning these mechanics in a supportive environment with a raid leader guiding you through tasks and differences helps you progress. Multiple attempts will likely be needed, providing valuable knowledge and practice.

Trifecta Tanking: Once you gain hardmode completions and experience, you can move onto Trifecta Tanking, where you are expected to know everything the Hardmode throws at you and execute it perfectly.

Advanced Requirements: Endgame content requires advanced knowledge and often necessitates carrying multiple gear sets, swapping gear and skills between fights, and fully optimizing your setup for specific trials, dungeons, and even specific bosses. You may also need to use alternative classes to fill any gaps the group needs to be optimal.

This level of content is challenging but extremely rewarding, requiring a lot of time, patience, and knowledge to master.

Imperial City Prison (ICP) | White-Gold Tower (WGT) | Cradle of Shadows (CoS) | Ruins of Mazzatun (RoM) | Falkreath Hold (FH) | The Cauldron | Black Drake Villa | Bloodroot Forge (BF) | Lair of Maarselok (LoM) | Scalecaller Peak (SP) | Icereach (IR)

Depths of Malatar | Fang Lair | Frostvault |  | March of Sacrifices | Moon Hunter Keep | Moongrave Fane | Unhallowed Grave |  Castle Thorn | Stone Garden | The Dread Cellar | Red Petal Bastion | The Coral Aerie | Shipwright’s Regret | Graven Deep | Earthern Root Enclave | Bedlam Veil | Oathsworn Pit | Bal Sunnar | Scrivener’s Hall

1. Aetherian Archive (vAA)

2. Hel Ra Citadel (vHRC)

3. Sunspire (vSS)

4. Sanctum Ophidia (vSO)

5. Asylum Sanctorium (vAS)

1. Maw of Lorkhaj (vMoL)

2. Halls of Fabrications (vHoF)

3. Kynes Aegis (vKA)

4. Cloudrest (vCR)

5. Sanity’s Edge (vSE)

6. Lucent Citadel (vLC)

5. Rockgrove (vRG)

6. Dreadsail Reef (vDSR)

1. Sanctum Ophidia (vSO HM)

2. Aetherian Archive (vAA HM)

3. Halls of Fabrications (vHoF HM)

4. Hel Ra Citadel (vHRC HM)

5. Maw of Lorkhaj (vMoL HM)

6. Kynes Aegis (vKA HM)

7. Asylum Sanctorium (vAS+2)

8. Sunspire (vSS HM)

9. Cloudrest (vCR+3)

10. Sanity’s Edge (vSE HM)

11. Lucent Citadel (vLC HM)

12. Rockgrove (vRG HM)

13. Dreadsail Reef (vDSR HM)

The End

Thank you for taking the time to read through this ESO Beginner Tank Guide.

Just remember that the Tank role is a difficult and pressured role to play. We all progress at a different speed, and you need to just develop as you gain experience and try your best. Play the game, play your class, learn the role, learn from your mistakes and gain as much experience as you can.

Learning fights and mechanics will make things so much easier and you can only do this by getting many hours of experience and talking and playing alongside other Tanks.

Enjoy the game, as stressful as Tanking can be you need to have fun and Tanking can become very fun and enjoyable!

~ TC Lee

  • DD (Damage Dealer): The team members responsible for dealing damage.
  • DPS (Damage Per Second): The amount of damage caused per second by an individual or group.
  • Aggro: When you have an active taunt on an enemy target, causing them to focus on you.
  • CC (Crowd Control): Techniques to manage groups of enemies, including chaining, pulling, rooting, immobilizing, snaring, and fearing.
  • Snare: Slowing down the enemy’s movement.
  • Pulling: Using skills like Unrelenting Grip, Silver Leash, or Frozen Device to pull a target to you.
  • Stacking: Taunting, line-of-sighting, and crowd-controlling a group of enemies to gather them in one spot.
  • LoS (Line of Sight): Positioning yourself to force enemies to move so they can see you.
  • DoT (Damage over Time): Abilities that inflict damage on an enemy over a duration.
  • HoT (Heal over Time): Healing that occurs in smaller amounts consistently over a duration.
  • AoE (Area of Effect): Skills that affect multiple targets within a specified area.
  • Cleave: Hitting multiple targets at once, usually with AoE skills.
  • Proc: An event triggered by meeting certain conditions, such as using Yolnahkriin and taunting an enemy to “proc” Minor Courage.
  • Range Tanking: Maintaining aggro on a ranged target and tanking them from a distance, requiring a specific setup.
  • Face Tanking: Melee tanking targets by blocking and taking damage directly.
  • Kite: Running away from an enemy with aggro so it can’t hit you, or moving away from mechanics aimed at you.
  • Rez (Resurrecting/Resurrection): Abbreviation for reviving allies when they die.
  • PotL (Power of the Light): A Templar skill.
  • GDB (Green Dragon Blood): A Dragonknight healing skill.
  • Orb (Mystic Orb) / Shard: A Templar skill providing a synergy that grants resources.
  • Altar (Blood Altar): An Undaunted skill.
  • PA (Powerful Assault): A gear set sometimes used by tanks.
  • S&B (Sword and Board): Abbreviation for One Hand and Shield.