ESO Tank Monster Sets

In The Elder Scrolls Online, there are many Monster Sets available, but only a select few are truly beneficial for tanking. It’s essential to have a variety of these sets to accommodate different situations and content. The most valuable Monster Sets provide group benefits, though some self-sustain and utility sets also offer value. Here, we’ll explore the best Monster Sets for tanks, along with other useful sets worth collecting. Monster Sets can be obtained by completing veteran dungeons and daily Undaunted pledges.

Essential Monster Sets

These essential Tank Monster Sets are the ones you need to focus on obtaining, as they are the most requested for tanks in all content. While there may be niche situations or specific boss fights requiring different sets, these three are the staple sets you’ll be expected to wear.

  • Archdruid Devyric – Used in all content, this two-piece set provides Major Vulnerability, boosting group DPS. It pairs well with Turning Tide for 100% Major Vulnerability uptime and procs off a heavy attack, making it simple to use.
  • Nazaray – Primarily a trial set, it extends the duration of Major and Minor debuffs applied by you and your group, significantly boosting DPS when used with stacked Ultimates.
  • Tremorscale – A niche set useful in all content, it provides a penetration boost. Its necessity varies, especially if other sets like Alkosh or Crimson Oath’s Rive are in use.

These monster sets are worth collecting as they provide useful benefits. While not always required or used in every group, they are a tier below the top sets and offer functional use for tanks in certain groups and boss fights.

  • Encratis’s Behemoth – Useful when group members utilize multiple fire damage abilities, it buffs outgoing fire damage, reduces incoming fire damage and enhances group survival against bosses that inflict fire damage.
  • Engine Guardian – A good beginner monster set that is easy to use and obtain. It provides a significant amount of resources, helping you sustain while tanking.
  • Lord Warden – This set boosts your own resistances and procs an aura on the ground that group members can stand inside to gain resistances. It works well in boss fights with high damage where the group stacks close to the boss and the tank.
  • Nunatak – Requires some group coordination but can help the group reach the crit cap by applying Major Brittle to enemies. When combined with someone using Nazaray, it can extend the duration of its debuff, allowing you to drop sets like Saxhleel Champion and free up space for another 5-piece gear set.
  • Symphony of Blades – Not usually used by tanks but sometimes requested in 4-player content without a healer. It helps damage dealers sustain and output more DPS by ensuring they have the resources to do so.

These niche sets are situational or useful for specific fights and depend on the experience of the tank. They are particularly helpful for newer tanks to overcome challenging situations, mechanics, or bosses. It’s not worth spending many resources upgrading and enchanting these sets as they are infrequently used.

  • Baron Zaudrus – A great Ultimate generation set when you need fast Ultimate. It can be easily procced with one cast of Elemental Susceptibility, making it quick, easy, and reliable for gaining Ultimate.
  • Bloodspawn – Used for gaining Ultimate faster, this set requires you to take damage but only has a 6% chance to proc. While not as effective as Baron Zaudrus, it is automatic, so you gain extra Ultimate without additional effort.
  • Earthgore – Only useful if you have a decent amount of Max Stamina, as the heal scales with it. It provides a reasonable heal when you are low on health and can also remove harmful effects placed by enemies on the ground.
  • Sentinel of Rkugamz – A group sustain set that you can proc by healing yourself, aiding both your own and your group’s sustain. It is easy to obtain and is often replaced by Symphony of Blades later on.
  • Swarm Mother – Typically not used since you can chain enemies with skills or AoE chain all enemies with the Void Bash Vateshran set. However, it can be helpful when you need an easy or automatic chain.
  • The Troll King – An alternative to Earthgore, it provides a stack of Health Regen. This is particularly effective if you stack Health Regen with other sources such as food, CP, Mundus/Divines, and Major and Minor Fortitude.

These sets were previously useful or frequently used for tanks but have since been replaced by skills that provide the same effects more reliably than a two-piece monster set.

  • Lady Thorn – Previously applied Major Maim to enemies, but this can now be applied by Frost Clench and Scribed skills, making it no longer worth using.
  • Magma Incarnate – Provided Minor Courage and Minor Resolve to a group of 4, but the effect bounces between allies, potentially missing some if they are spread out. All these effects can be more reliably provided by an Arcanist’s skills.
  • Mighty Chudan – A waste of a two-piece set as it only gives Major Resolve. Many skills provide this same buff, allowing you to use a more beneficial monster set.
  • Scourge Harvester – Gives a chance-based proc of Major Vitality, but you can achieve Major Vitality with 100% certainty using Scribing skills, making this set unnecessary.
  • Stonekeeper – A poor sustain set that takes a long time to proc and provides very few resources in return.
  • Thurvokun – Applies AoE Minor Maim, but this can be achieved with multiple skills, especially Ice Staff abilities.