ESO Tank Monster Sets – Nunatak

Set bonus

1 item: Adds 1487 Armor.
2 items: On dealing Frost Damage, create a 6 meter area under the target for 6 seconds, dealing 191 Frost damage to enemies every 1 second and applying a stacking 25% snare for 4 seconds. On gaining 4 stacks, the enemy is immobilized and gains Major Brittle for 4 seconds, causing the target to take 20% increased Critical Damage. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.

Where to obtain:
Imperial Sewers, Imperial City.

The Nunatak set introduces the Major Brittle debuff to enemies in ESO. However, its short duration and high cooldown make it unreliable without multiple players coordinating its use with the Nazaray set for extended uptime.

Typically, groups can reach the crit cap without Nunatak by using more reliable methods like Minor Brittle, Elemental Catalyst, Lucent Echoes and Major Force.

Nunatak can replace Saxhleel Champion when paired with Nazaray, providing extended Major Brittle duration and higher crit cap uptime. Effective use requires good communication to replace at least one Aggressive Horn or Saxhleel proc.

Read More: Why Are Tanks Using Nunatak?